- Written by Ivan Dulgerov
Molecular Stress Physiology
The department focuses on the analysis of the physiological and metabolic responses of crops to abiotic stress and how the knowledge gained from these studies can be employed to enhance the tolerance of such crops to stressful conditions. Translational approaches (from model species to crops, from crop to crop) will form a constitutional basis of the research conducted by the group.
One of the research lines followed by the Department is identification and characterization of genes involved in modulating oxidative stress responses and reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced programmed cell death. Recently, a team lead by Prof. Dr. T. Gechev identified a novel plant-specific gene that regulates the tolerance to oxidative and abiotic stresses (Sujeeth et al. 2021). As this gene has homologs in major crops, this finding may have an impact on the management of stress tolerance in crop species and increasing their productivity under unfavorable environmental conditions.
Another research direction studied in the department is a process known as molecular priming: natural products and synthetic chemicals that can protect model and crop plants against abiotic and oxidative stresses through induction of molecular and physiological defense mechanisms (Kerchev et al. 2020). In addition to their stress-protective effect, some of these compounds can also stimulate plant growth. Using an array of “-omics” approaches, including RNA-seq analysis, GC-MS and LC-MS metabolomics, and lipidomics, Dr. Gechev’s team has identified genes, metabolites, and biochemical pathways with a possible role in the molecular priming induced by a biostimulant and is aiming at functionally validating some of these genes Rasul et al. 2021; Staykov et al. 2021; Omidbakhshfard et al. 2020).
Fig. 1. Principle of plant defense activation by priming. Treatment with priming agents (left) induces endogenous plant defense mechanisms (middle), leading to subsequent stress tolerance in the primed plants. Agrochemicals are predominantly applied as a uniform spray solution (broadcast application) that can easily result in chemical waste, excessive carryovers, and damage to the vegetation. In contrast, directed application targets individual plants. Technological advances, such as computer vision and machine learning, make directed application more efficient than ever. Specific spraying of individual plants allows reduction of the dosage that can eliminate up to 90% of the used chemical and mitigate its environmental impact. Another exciting technology that will soon be available to the farmers combines agrochemicals with nanobodies as formulation agents that specifically target leaves or pests, improving retention limiting the input of chemicals for the environment.
A third research focus of Dr. Gechev’s team is the resurrection species Haberlea rhodopensis. This plant is tolerant not only to desiccation but also to other environmental stresses such as long-term darkness and low temperatures. The team studies molecular mechanisms of tolerance to these abiotic stresses, using “-omics” technologyes such as transcriptomics, metabolomics, and lipidome analysis (Durgud et al. 2018).
Zareen S., Ali A., Park J., Kang S.M., Lee I.J., Pardo J.M., Yun D.J., Xu Z.Y. (2025)
HOS15 impacts DIL9 protein stability during drought stress in Arabidopsis. New Phytolologist. DOI: 10.1111/nph.20398. (IF 8.3)
Ali A., Zareen S., Park J., Khan HA., Lim CJ., Bader ZE., Hussain S., Chung WS., Gechev T., Pardo JM., Yun DJ. (2024)
ABI2 promotes flowering by inhibiting OST1/ABI5-dependent FLC activation in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany. DOI: doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erae029. (IF 6.9)
Gupta S., Petrov V., Garg V., Mueller-Roeber B., Fernie A.R., Nikoloski Z., Gechev T. (2024)
The genome of Haberlea rhodopensis provides insights into the mechanisms for tolerance to multiple extreme environments. Cellular and Mоlecular Life Sciences. 81(1): 117. (IF 8)
Kanojia A., Lyall R., Sujeeth N., Alseekh S., Martínez-Rivas F., Fernie A.R., Gechev T., Petrov V. (2024)
Physiological and molecular insights into the effect of a seaweed biostimulant on enhancing fruit yield and drought tolerance in tomato. Plant Stress. 14: 100692. (IF 6.8)
Kazakov P., Alseekh S., Ivanova V., Gechev T. (2024)
Biostimulant-based molecular priming improves crop quality and enhances yield of raspberry and strawberry fruits. Metabolites. 14(11): 594. (IF 3.4)
Stavrakeva K., Metodieva K., Benina M., Bivolarska A., Dimov I., Choneva M., Kokova V., Alseekh S., Ivanova V., Vatov E., Gechev T., Mladenova T., Mladenov R., Todorov K., Stoyanov P., Gyuzeleva D., Popova M., Apostolova E. (2024)
Metabolic composition of methanolic extract of the Balkan endemic species Micromeria frivaldszkyana (Degen) Velen and Its anti-inflammatory effect on male wistar rats. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 25(10): 5396. (IF 5.6)
Steimker J., Tripodi P., Wendenburg R., Tringovska I., Nankar A., Stoeva V., Pasev G., Klemmer A., Todorova V., Bulut M., Tikunov Y., Bovy A., Gechev T., Kostova D., Fernie A.R., Alseekh S. (2024)
The genetic architecture of the pepper metabolome and the biosynthesis of its signature capsianoside metabolites. Current Biology. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2024.07.098. (IF 8.1)
- Ali A., Petrov V., Yun DJ., Gechev T. (2023)
- Re-visiting plant salt tolerance: Novel components of the SOS-pathway. Trends in Plant Science. 28: 1060–1069. (IF 22.012)
- Dong Y., Gupta S., Wargent J., Putterill J., Macknight R., Gechev T., Mueller-Roeber B., Dijkwel P. (2023)
- Comparative transcriptomics of multi-stress responses in Pachycladon cheesemanii and Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24(14): 11323. (IF 6.208)
- Gechev T., Kazakov P., Ivanova A., Ivanova T., Mircheva M., Kolev V., Ganeva D., Kosmalova T.V., Ruseva M., Kantardjiev E., Kazashka V. (2023)
- Establishment and development of the center of plant systems biology and biotechnology in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Open Research Europe. 3:140.
- Kanojia A., Xu.X., Dijkwel P. (2023)
- Chapter 6 – The plant hormone ethylene. Academic Press. Pages 73-87.
- Khan N.Z., Ali A., Ali W., Aasim M., Khan T., Khan Z., Munir I. (2023)
- Heterologous expression of bacterial dehydrin gene in Arabidopsis thaliana promotes abiotic stress tolerance. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12298-023-01358-w. (IF 3.90)
- Petrov V., Gechev T. (2023)
- ROS and abiotic stress in plants 2.0. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24(15): 11917. (IF 6.208)
- Shoaib M., Shah B., El-Sappagh S., Ali A., Ullah A., Alenezi.F., Gechev T., Hussain T., Ali F. (2023)
- An advanced deep learning models-based plant disease detection: A review of recent research. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14: 1158933. (IF 6.627)
- Gechev T., Petrov V. (2022)
- Plant systems biology in 2022 and beyond. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23: 415. (IF 6.208)
- Hussain T., Shoaib M., Shah B., Ali A., Ullah A., Alenezi F., Gechev T., Farman Ali F., Syed I. (2022)
- Deep learning-based model for plant lesion segmentation, subtype identification, and survival probability estimation. Frontiers in Plant Science.13: 1095547. (IF 6.627)
- Tong H., Nankar A.N., Liu J., Todorova V., Ganeva D., Grozeva S., Tringovska I., Pasev Gancho., Radeva-Ivanova V., Gechev T., Kostova D., Nikoloski Z. (2022)
- Genomic prediction of morphometric and colorimetric traits in Solanaceous fruits. Horticulture Research. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/hr/uhac072 (IF 6.793)
- Zareen S., Ali A., Lim C.J., Khan H.A., Park J., Xu Z.Y., Yun D.J. (2022)
- The transcriptional corepressor HOS15 mediates dark-Induced leaf senescence in arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science. DOI: doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.828264. (IF 5.753)
- Radeva-Ivanova V., Pasev G., Lyall R., Angelov M., Nankar A.N., Kostova D. (2022)
- First report of cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus causing yellowing disease on pumpkin (cucurbita pepo) and cucumber (cucumis sativus) in Bulgaria. APS Journal. DOI: doi: 10.1094/PDIS-09-21-2030-PDN. (IF 4.025)
Rane R.N., Tapase S., Kanojia A., Watharkar A., Salama E., Jang M., Yadav K., Amin A.M., Pinto M.S., Cabral-Pinto, Jadhav P.J., Byong-Hun J. (2022)
- Molecular insights into plant–microbe interactions for sustainable remediation of contaminated environment. Bioresource Technology. 344(B): 126246. (IF 9.642)
- Sujeeth N., Petrov V., Guinan K.J., Rasul F., O’Sullivan J., Gechev T. (2022)
- Current insights into the molecular mode of action of seaweed-based biostimulants and the sustainability of seaweeds as raw material resources. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23(14): 7654. (IF 6.208)
- Gechev T., Lyall R., Petrov V., Bartels D. (2021)
- Systems biology of resurrection plants. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 78: 6365–6394. (IF 9.261)
- Kanojia A., Shrestha K.D., Dijkwel P. (2021)
- Primary metabolic processes as drivers of leaf ageing. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 78: 6351–6364 (IF 9.261)
- Rasul F., Gupta S., Olas J.J., Gechev T., Sujeeth N., Mueller-Roeber B. (2021)
- Priming with a seaweed extract strongly improves drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22: 1469. (IF 5.923)
- Staykov N.S., Angelov M., Petrov V., Minkov P., Kanojia A., Guinan K.J., Alseekh S., Fernie A.R., Neerakkal S., Gechev T. (2021)
- An Ascophyllum nodosum-derived biostimulant protects model and crop plants from oxidative stress. Metabolites. 11(1): 24. (IF 4.932)
- Faisal M., Gechev Т., Mueller-Roeber B., Dijkwel P. (2020)
- Putative alternative translation start site-encoding nucleotides of CPR5 regulate growth and resistance. BMC Plant Biology 20(1):295. (IF 4.215)
- Gechev T., Georgiev M.I., Fernie A.R. (2020)
- PlantaSyst: Teaming-up for systems biology and biotechnology. Trends in Plant Science. 25(7): 621-624. (IF 18.313)
- Gechev T., Petrov V. (2020)
- Reactive oxygen species and abiotic stress in plants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21: 7433. (IF 5.923)
- Kanojia A., Gupta S., Benina M., Fernie A.R., Mueller-Roeber B., Gechev T., Dijkwel P. (2020)
- Developmentally controlled changes during Arabidopsis leaf development indicate causes for loss of stress tolerance with age. Journal of Experimental Botany. 71: 6340–6354. (IF 6.992)
- Kerchev P., van der Meer T., Sujeeth S., Verlee A., Stevens C.V., Van Breusegem F., Gechev T. (2020)
- Molecular priming as an approach to induce tolerance against abiotic and oxidative stresses in crop plants. Biotechnology Advances. 40: 107503. (IF 14.227)
- Lyall R., Gechev T. (2020)
- Multi-omics insights into the evolution of angiosperm resurrection plants. Annual Plant Reviews Online. 3(1): 77-110.
- Lyall R., Nikoloski Z., Gechev T. (2020)
- Comparative analysis of ROS network genes in extremophile eukaryotes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21: 9131. (IF 5.923)
- Omidbakhshfard M.A., Sujeeth N., Gupta S., Omranian N., Guinan K.J., Brotman Y., Nikoloski Z., Fernie A.R., Mueller-Roeber B., Gechev T. (2020)
- A biostimulant obtained from the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum protects Arabidopsis thaliana from severe oxidative stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21(2): 1–26. (IF 5.923)
- Sujeeth N., Mehterov N., Gupta S., Qureshi M.K., Fischer A., Proost S., Omidbakhshfard M.A., Obata T., Benina M., Staykov N., Balazadeh S., Walther D., Fernie A.R., Mueller-Roeber B., Hille J., Gechev T. (2020)
- A novel seed plants gene regulates oxidative stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 77: 705–718. (IF 9.261)
- Dong Y., Gupta S., Sievers R., Wargent J., Wheeler D., Putterill J., Macknight R., Gechev T., Mueller-Roeber B., Dijkwel P. (2019)
- Gupta S., Dong Y., Dijkwel P., Mueller-Roeber B., Gechev T. (2019)
- Genome-wide analysis of ROS antioxidant genes in resurrection species suggest an involvement of distinct ROS detoxification systems during desiccation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20(12): 3101. (IF 4.556)
- Durgud M., Gupta S., Ivanov I., Omidbakhshfard A., Benina M., Alseekh A., Staykov N., Hauenstein M., Dijkwel P.P., Hörtensteiner S., Toneva V., Brotman Y., Fernie A.R., Mueller-Roeber B., Gechev T. (2018)
- Molecular mechanisms preventing senescence in response to prolonged darkness in a desiccation–tolerant plant. Plant Physiology. 177(3): 1319–1338. (IF 6.305)
- Petrov V., Qureshi, M. K., Hille, J., Gechev T. (2018)
- Occurrence, biochemistry and biological effects of host-selective plant mycotoxins. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 112: 251–264. (IF 3.775)