- Written by Dimitar Kirkovski
Dr. Aakansha Kanojia
Position: Postdoctoral researcher
Department: Molecular Stress Physiology, CPSBB
The main area of Kanojia’s research is plant stress physiology. She investigated the biological pathways involved in the reduction of plant stress tolerance with age in Arabidopsis thaliana. She has developed extensive expertise in detailed morphological characterization and physiological experiments in plants, gene mapping, plant tissue culture, metabolomics, transcriptomic and DNA sequencing data analysis.
Kanojia A., Lyall R., Sujeeth N., Alseekh S., Martínez-Rivas F., Fernie A.R., Gechev T., Petrov V. (2024)
Physiological and molecular insights into the effect of a seaweed biostimulant on enhancing fruit yield and drought tolerance in tomato. Plant Stress. 14: 100692. (IF 6.8)
- Kanojia A., Xu.X., Dijkwel P. (2023)
- Ethylene as a plant aging modulator. Academic Press. 73-87.
- Rane N.R., Kanojia A., Patil S.M., Khandare R., Kodam K.M., Jeon BH. (2023)
- Rane R.N., Tapase S., Kanojia A., Watharkar A., Salama E., Jang M., Yadav K., Amin A.M., Pinto M.S., Cabral-Pinto, Jadhav P.J., Byong-Hun J. (2022)
- Molecular insights into plant–microbe interactions for sustainable remediation of contaminated environment. Bioresource Technology. 344(B): 126246. (IF 9.642)
- Kanojia A., Shrestha K.D., Dijkwel P. (2021)
- Primary metabolic processes as drivers of leaf ageing. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00018-021-03896-6. (IF 9.261)
- Staykov N.S., Angelov M., Petrov V., Minkov P., Kanojia A., Guinan K.J., Alseekh S., Fernie A.R., Neerakkal S., Gechev T.S. (2021)
- An Ascophyllum nodosum-derived biostimulant protects model and crop plants from oxidative stress. Metabolites. 11(1): 24. (4.097)
- Kanojia A., Gupta S., Benina M., Fernie A., Mueller-Roeber B., Gechev T., Dijkwel P. (2020)
- Developmentally controlled changes during Arabidopsis leaf development indicate causes for loss of stress tolerance with age. Journal of Experimental Botany. eraa347. (IF 5.908)
- Hunter D., Jibran R., Dijkwel P., Chagné D., Sullivan K., Kanojia A., Crowhurst R. (2018)
- Detached Arabidopsis inflorescences as a tissue for identifying regulators of postharvest senescence. Guo Y. (eds) Plant Senescence. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1744. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7672-0_17
- Kanojia A, and Dijkwel P. (2018)
- Abiotic stress responses are governed by reactive oxygen species and age. (eds J.A Roberts, D. Evan, M.T. McManus and J.K. Rose) Annul Plant Reviews online, 1, Issue 1. DOI 10.1002/9781119312994.apr0611