- Written by Ivan Dulgerov
Venue and date : Holiday Inn Hotel, 109 Vassil Levski Street, Plovdiv | 20.05.2019
This workshop would cover several important topics, including:
- Effective IP strategies to maximize the impact of research
- IP commercialization. Assessment of market potential and how to find the right licensee
- IP protection in Bulgaria – legislation and practice
- Knowledge and Technology Transfer
08:45 – 09:00 | Registration Philippopol Hall, Holiday Inn Hotel | |
09:00 – 09:15 | Welcome to Plovdiv and CPSBB & Opening Remarks – Tsanko Gechev, (CPSBB) | |
09:15 – 10:00 | Introduction to IP and IPR – Michele Dubbini, (European IPR Helpdesk) | |
10:00 – 10:45 | Institutional IPR Policy: why, how, when? Case study of Bulgarian Academy of Science – Kostadin Kostadinov, (GIS transfer foundation) | |
10:45 – 11:05 | Cafee break | |
11:05 – 11:50 | Knowledge and Technology transfer – Axel Koch, (University of Saarland) | |
11:50 – 12:20 | Enterprise Europe Network enabling tech-transfer and research and innovation partnership – Fanny Koleva, (ARC Fund) | |
12:20 – 12:40 | Discussion – Moderator: Gergana Zahmanova, (CPSBB) | |
12:40 – 13:40 | Lunch Break – Restaurant “Etéreo” Holiday Inn Hotel | |
13:40 – 14:40 | IP management at application, implication and impact stages of collaborative research projects. Effective IP strategies to maximize the impact of research – Michele Dubbini, (European IPR Helpdesk) | |
13:40 – 14:40 | IP protection in Bulgaria – legislation and practicе – Fanny Koleva, (ARC Fund) | |
14:40 – 15:25 | IP protection in Bulgaria – legislation and practicе – Fanny Koleva, (ARC Fund) | |
15:25 – 15:45 | Coffee Break | |
15:45 – 16:45 | IP commercialization. Assessment of market potential and how to find the right licensee. Licensing Agreements – what do they look like? – Axel Koch, (University of Saarland) | |
16:45 – 17:25 | Creating strategic business advantages from intellectual property – Radostina Halacheva, (BAS) | |
17:25 – 17:35 | Closing Remarks – Ivan Minkov, (IMBB) |
Michele Dubbini, Germany, IP expert from European IPR Helpdesk/EURICE GmbH
As lawyer specialized in Intellectual Property law, he contributes to create and revise consortium agreements for research consortia of Horizon 2020 projects and in accordance to the standard rules of grant agreements. Within the European IPR Helpdesk, Mr. Dubbini organises and carries out trainings in particular for researchers or SMEs with a focus on IP in Horizon 2020.
Axel Koch, Germany
Axel Koch is a very experienced technology transfer and licencing professional (RTTP). He is heading the TTO at Saarland University in Germany, member of the RTTP Review Panel and board member of the German Association for Technology Transfer TechnologyAlliance. He holds lecturing positions at several universities and at the EU IPR Helpdesk. In 2007 he co-founded the drug development start-up ElexoPharm GmbH.
Fanny Koleva, Bulgaria
Dr. Fanny Koleva worked over 15 years, as a researcher and university lecturer in the field of intellectual property. She used to teach the following courses: “Intellectual property”, “Patent policy”, “Trademarks”, “Unfair competition”, “License trade”, “Patent searches” and “Financial management of intellectual property”. She currently works for the Applied Research and Communications Fund as a consultant, for the Enterprise Europe Network, and as senior analyst in different projects including the Innovation.bg report. She also acts as IPR Helpdesk Ambassador for Bulgaria.
Kostadin Kostadinov, Bulgaria
Kostadin Kostadinov is a Professor, Dr. of Eng. of Robotics and Mechatronics at the Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS). He served as a president of GIS-Transfer Center Foundation (2001 –2014), which supports technology transfer and innovation. He is certified KAM and Senior Innovation Expert in GIS-Transfer Center.
Dr. Kostadinov has been awarded with the Prizes, Pythagoras in 2010 for his outstanding contribution to engineering science and in 2016 for outstanding contributions for exploitation & commercialization of research results, respectively; Golden Apple 2014 for exceptional achievements in knowledge and TT, the Inventor of the Year 2015 in Bulgaria.
He was a Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Education and Science, IPR manager in the Institute of Polymers-BAS responsible for exploitation of IP and research results, and scientific secretary and member of Governing Board of the BAS, responsible for the division of “Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies” and for the TT and innovation.
Radostina Halacheva, Bulgaria
Having more than 10 years of IP experience and specialized in Industrial property, Radostina Halacheva is the IP expert of the Institute of Polymers, BAS. She has studied Economy of the Intellectual Property at the University of National and World Economy, Sofia and has later worked at the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria as a Trade Mark examiner. She has been National Office elected member of the working groups of several EUIPO Convergence Program and Cooperation Fund Projects, team member of the EC IPorta Project, as well as team member of a few cooperation projects with the EPO. On her current position at the Institute of Polymers, BAS she is responsible for the IP management of the Institute’s IP portfolio, the elaboration and implementation of IP rules, staff training and patent drafting.