- Written by Ivan Dulgerov
Research developments of CPSBB for longevity and photoaging were presented during the second edition of Plovdiv Science Festival, 29 November 2024
For a second consecutive year CPSBB was a partner and host of the Plovdiv Science Festival, organized by the “Beautiful Science” Foundation. The four-day event attracted thousands of students, teachers and parents from Plovdiv and the region, as well as speakers from Bulgaria and abroad. Public lectures, workshops, educational games and demonstrations were among the highlights of the festival program, precisely selected to be appropriate for all age groups. The festival officially started with welcome speeches of the Director of CPSBB, prof. Dr. Tsanko Gechev and the organizers of the festival – Ivaylo Slavov and Lyubov Kostova. They highlighted the mission of the festival, which is to present science in an attractive way and prove its influence on every sphere of human life, as well as to motivate the young generation to be interested in scientific achievements, inspiring them with research knowledge and scientific achievements.
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CPSBB hosted the second edition of Plovdiv Science Festival, 28 November 2024
CPSBB was proud to announce that for a second consecutive year the Center hosted the Plovdiv Science Festival, organized by “Beautiful Science” Foundation. The event was be held on 29 November – 02 December 2024 in Plovdiv. The festival promoted scientific knowledge in its different aspects and domains, encouraging an active collaboration among academia, students, and the society as a whole. The four-day scientific adventure attracted thousands of students, teachers, researchers and people of all ages who were indulged by veneration of science. Participation in all lectures, seminars, demonstrations and workshops were free of charge, but required a registration! The program of the festival was announced on the official web site of “Beautiful Science” Foundation: www.beautifulscience.bg
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Fifth-Graders From a Secondary Innovative School in Plovdiv Visited CPSBB, 25 November 2024
Fifth-graders from “Patriarch Evtimii” Secondary School in Plovdiv visited CPSBB. The pupils study in an innovative class with a Biology profile and the visit was part of their curriculum as an interest-based learning activity. Dr. Nikola Staykov (Molecular Biologist) and Eng. Dr. Alicia Wieteska (Agronomist), welcomed the children and guided them through the scientific complex of CPSBB. Dr. Staykov introduced the students to a confocal microscope and explained to them what research activities can be mainly carried out with it. He also let them enter one of the cold rooms for storing of voluminous plant samples, as well as the plant growth rooms where researchers conduct various experiments with dozens of plants. Dr. Staykov presented the resurrection plant Haberlea rhodopensis and demonstrated how scientists at CPSBB grow and propagate the plant for research by using an in vitro model. Students were also able to witness a process of soil preparation for experiments.
Students from Sofia visited CPSBB, 21 November 2024
Over 50 students in 11th and 12th grade from the French Language High School “Alphonse de Lamartine” in Sofia visited CPSBB as part of their practical training in Biology and Chemistry. They were welcomed by the Head of the Plant Cell Biotechnology Department, Prof. Dr Milen Georgiev, who presented in brief the Center. He also shared with them some memories from his student years when he decided to study biotechnology, explaining to them some of the advantages of developing a scientific career in this field. The students were guided through the laboratories and greenhouse facilities of CPSBB by the scientific team of the Center. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Liliya Mihaylova, Iva Stoykova and Monika Todorova demonstrated some of the high technologies, highlighting on LC-MC which is unequaled for Bulgaria and the Balkans, confocal microscopy and worm lab technology for research with the C.elegans model organism. They visualized on computer the 3D model of human epidermis which was recently developed by the team as a result of a three-year research.
Researchers from CPSBB held a workshop demonstrating DNA extraction from fruits to students in Pazardzhik, 11-12 November 2024
The molecular biologists from CPSBB team, Dr. Nikola Staykov and Dr. Emil Vatov, took part in the First Scientific-Practical Conference “Green Education for a Sustainable Future”, which took place in Pazardzhik on November 11-12, 2024. The event was organized by the Education for Climate Coalition, the Union of Bulgarian Teachers and the Municipality of Pazardzhik. CPSBB researchers were assisted by a volunteer student from the Professional High School of Food Technology in Plovdiv. The team demonstrated how DNA can be extracted from strawberries using household materials like liquid soap, salt, water and alcohol. The scientists made a step by step presentation, explaining the action of each of the ingredients for the successful DNA extraction. Water is important in the initial step of the experiment because it acts as a medium that allows the interaction between the liquid soap, the salt and the plant material, diluting them and distributing them evenly in the solution.
CPSBB provided a practical training to students for safety work standards in laboratories, 06 November 2024
Students from 12th grade at the Professional School of Food Technology and Technique in Plovdiv held their practical training for safety work laboratory standards at CPSBB. Their education is specialized in Bioproductive Technologies with the main goal to further develop their higher education and career in the field of Biotechnology. Dr. Staykov highlighted the mandatory requirement for working in a lab – excellent knowledge in chemistry, as the working process requires dealing with chemical substances, solutions and mixtures. He introduced the students to important rules and safety labor standards in lab conditions, incl. work with ultraviolet radiation, sterility, safety while working with chemicals and substances, guidelines for working with a clean bench, the specifics of lab fume hood for conducting experiments with toxic and volatile substances, as well as working with extremely cold substances (liquid nitrogen and dry ice).
CPSBB Held a Training on Bioinformatics for Companies and Public Organizations in the Agricultural Sector, 05 November 2024
CPSBB organized and hosted a training on bioinformatics and its application in agriculture and farming to representatives of public organizations, small and medium enterprises. The event was organized within the AgroDigiRise project with the main goal to optimize the current level of digitization in the organizations and help them develop agility to market changes and emerging technology trends. The training was led by Eng. Dimitar Kirkovski, head of the IT Department at CPSBB and a PhD candidate in Molecular Biology. The bioinformatics research was presented in three modules, presenting the importance of basic elements in DNA structure, which are fundamental for sequencing technologies. Another highlight was the quantitative and functional study of the change of expressed DNA information in the cell caused by environmental factors or other external influences.
Students from the “Dimitar Matevski” Secondary School in Plovdiv Visited CPSBB as a Practical Training in Natural Sciences, 23 October 2024
Students from the “Dimitar Matevski” Secondary School visited CPSBB as part of their practical education in natural sciences. The students were welcomed by Dr. Nikola Staykov (Molecular Biologist), Eng. Dr. Alicja Wieteska (Agronomist), and Dr. Nikolay Anachkov (Plant Biologist). The scientific team guided the visitors through CPSBB’s greenhouses, specialized rooms, and laboratories so that they could witness in person the facilities and working conditions the Bulgarian Center of Excellence could provide them if one day they decide to develop a scientific career in the field of plant systems biology and biotechnology. The students were introduced to some of the ongoing research projects, including NatGenCrop and HealthyDiets4Africa. They observed tomato and pepper plantations in the greenhouse facilities of CPSBB.
Students from European Schools Visited CPSBB Within the Erasmus+ Programme, 17 October 2024
More than 50 students from schools in Italy, Greece, Portugal, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria visited CPSBB within the Erasmus+ Programme. The visit was initiated by the Plovdiv Secondary School “Konstantin Velichkov” within the “GoGreen” initiative. The students were welcomed by Dr. Nikola Staykov and Dr. Eng. Alicja Wieteska Georgieva. Dr. Staykov held a brief presentation on CPSBB, showcasing some of the leading scientific projects currently conducted at the CPSBB with the main goal of improving the quality, yield and resilience to climate changes of socially important crops. Some of these projects are NatGenCrop, CropPrime, BOOSTER, HealthyDiets4Africa, BELIS, CAFTA, RESIST, and also the large-scale metabolomic research of CPSBB’s scientists of more than 2,000 plant species from botanical gardens in Germany and Bulgaria.
Interview with Dr. Aakansha Kanojia, researcher at CPSBB within the BOOSTER project, 14 October 2024
The BOOSTER project and its results will significantly increase the chances of achieving drought-tolerant genotypes via classical breeding and new breeding technologies, with a relevant increase in drought resilience compared to those currently available. Furthermore, the development of novel and more efficient biostimulants represents an additional eco-friendly weapon for reducing the negative effects of drought on cereals. Without any doubt, the combination of discovering novel drought-tolerant genotypes and developing natural biostimulants will potentially lead to climate-smart agriculture.
Мeeting was conducted on the project “TALENTify: Transnational Acceleration and Learning for Enhancing Networking and Talent Circulation Hub”, 08 October 2024
On 08.10.2024 a meeting was conducted on the project “TALENTify: Transnational Acceleration and Learning for Enhancing Networking and Talent Circulation Hub”, during which the project team from the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) – Plovdiv and the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts “Prof. Asen Diamandiev” – Plovdiv held a discussion with representatives of EURAXESS Slovakia: Karla Zimanova, deputy director and project manager at SAIA (Slovak Academic Information Agency), and Janka Kottulová, researcher and project manager at SAIA. The EURAXESS Slovakia experts highlighted the main opportunities that the ERA TALENT project provides in the context of the development of EURAXESS talent circulation hubs. The role of the newly established Hub at CPSBB under the TALENTify project and its contribution to the EURAXESS network were presented by the Project Manager Prof. Dr. Vesela Kazashka. The discussion was focused on the opportunities for cooperation between the Slovak and the Bulgarian EURAXESS networks
Researchers from South Africa, Spain, Argentina, Italy and Türkiye Joined CPSBB, 07 October 2024
CPSBB proudly welcomes researchers from Argentina, Italy, South Africa, Spain, and Turkiye who are seconded to advance scientific research on theCropPrime andNatGenCrop projects. CPSBB as a fully independent Center of Excellence in Bulgaria, aims to position itself and the country as a preferred research destination for foreign scientists, fostering an environment of innovation and collaboration. By attracting and welcoming talented researchers worldwide, CPSBB contributes to Bulgaria’s scientific community, encourages knowledge sharing, and works towards becoming a place of strong scientific expertise. This effort helps enhance research capabilities and improve Bulgaria’s reputation in science and technology, which can support economic growth and inspire future researchers.
Scientists from CPSBB Invented a Prototype of Human Skin for Research in the Fields of Medicine and Pharmacy, 03 October 2024
Researchers from the “Plant Cell Biotechnology” Department at the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB), together with the Laboratory of Metabolomics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), developed an innovative 3D model of the human epidermis, with the aim of research in the fields of medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. The development involves the application of specialized techniques in order to reproduce the complex physiological structure and protective function of the human epidermis. The innovation of the Bulgarian scientific team reproduces the formation of stratified epidermal layers by immortalized keratinocytes on a 3D polycarbonate matrix. This matrix is designed with a specific porosity for the optimal attachment, growth and differentiation of keratinocytes within the multilayered structure.
Kick-off meeting was held at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” on the national EURAXESS projects TALENTify and SciEntBG, 20 September 2024
On 20 September 2024 a kick-off meeting was held at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” on the national EURAXESS projects TALENTify and SciEntBG. The project “TALENTify: Transnational Acceleration and Learning for Enhancing Networking and Talent Circulation Hub” was presented by the Project Manager Prof. Dr. Vesela Kazashka. The planned main activities of the newly developed EURAXESS Hub at the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) – Plovdiv were discussed. Representatives of educational and scientific organizations, as well as business stakeholders at a local and national level attended the meeting. Emphasis in the discussion was directed towards the opportunities for career development of researchers from various organizations and the diverse means of the Hub to support their mobility by facilitating attraction, admission and retention of scientists in the European Research Area (ERA). An interactive workshop was conducted as a part of the event, devoted to the issues of transformation in science.
CPSBB is a Consortium Member within the BELIS project for optimizing the legume cultivation in EU and Associated Countries, 17 September 2024
Two young researchers from Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology – Manuela Stoyanova and Alexander Angelov – attend the first Annual Consortium Meeting within the BELIS Project. The one-week event is taking place in Ghent, Belgium, gathering researchers from the 18 countries in the project’s Consortium – Lithuania, France, Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Lebanon, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Serbia, Croatia, Portugal, Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Belgium. As Europe is still highly dependent on plant protein imports, the BELIS Project aims at developing tools and methodologies for optimizing the legume cultivation with cost-effective breeding programmes . The project will focus on seven forage crops and seven grain crops which will be studied by the researchers in the consortium in terms of nutritional qualities, yield, stress resistance, etc.
Dr. Liliya Mihaylova was promoted to Associate Professor in Pharmacology, 17 September 2024
On September 17 at the Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, a 7-member scientific jury unanimously approved the habilitation work of Dr. Mihaylova and promoted her to Associate Professor. The major part of her habilitation work was related to the PlanaSYST project in which Liliya worked as a PostDoc under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Milen I. Georgiev. Over the past 7 years she has published more than 30 scientific papers dedicated to the investigation of the biological activity of natural compounds against obesity and age-related metabolic disorders through combining approaches of molecular pharmacology, metabolomics and plant biotechnology.
CPSBB’s Representatives took part in a round table: “Empowering Regions Together ”, 11 September 2024
Prof. Dr. Vesela Kazashka, Head of Administration at CPSBB, together with the scientific secretary, Mrs. Marina Mircheva, and the Specialist in training and development, Dr. Aneta Roycheva, took part in a round table within the EU project “Transform for Europe.”T4Europe is an alliance for strategic cooperation between universities and multiple stakeholders from the surrounding regions. Its main goal is to develop a single ecosystem for knowledge and innovation. Among the alliance’s missions is the development of a joint research and innovation agenda and a strategy to attract and retain researchers, empower individuals with access to science and cultivate the next wave of highly skilled European knowledge entrepreneurs. The round table was held in the “Peyo Yavorov” Regional Library of Burgas. University delegates, local and international policymakers, as well as business representatives from Germany, Spain, Estonia, Portugal, Slovenia, France, Poland, Italy, Lithuania, and Ukraine attended. They shared various perspectives regarding the role of universities and research organisations in regional development.
Representatives from the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China visited CPSBB, 23 August 2024
The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China initiated a visit at CPSBB to meet with the Director of the Center, Prof. Dr. Tsanko Gechev, and the Head of CPSBB’s “Plant Cell Biotechnology” Department, Prof. Dr. Milen Georgiev. The official delegation included representatives from the Chinese Embassy to Bulgaria and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. The meeting started with a presentation of Prof. Gechev who showcased the CPSBB’s strategic objectives, organizational structure, research departments and international partnerships. Prof. Georgiev highlighted potential opportunities for collaboration between CPSBB and Chinese Universities and institutes for mutual research projects in the domains of Plant biotechnology and metabolomics, incl. metabolite profiling (NMR and MS) for standardization and modernization of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).
CPSBB will establish a scientific talent exchange hub in Plovdiv, 1 August 2024
The main objective of the project is the establishment of a talent exchange hub (TALENTify) in Plovdiv which will focus on specific aspects of scientific career, such as supporting the mobility and relocation of scientists, facilitating the attraction, admission and retention of researchers in the European Research Area (ERA). The activities of the Hub are designed to contribute to creating conditions for career development of researchers, attracting new talents and building an environment supporting scientific entrepreneurship. The project will involve universities, scientific organizations and business structures through joint events and initiatives that will help shape the city’s research vision. At national and local training events, participants will become familiar with the mentoring programs REBECCA and “Shape the Future of a Researcher Coming to Europe”, as well as with networking opportunities based on UniWeliS.
A working meeting was held for the revival and reconstruction of the Botanical Garden in Plovdiv, 24 July 2024
A working meeting was held for the revival and reconstruction of the Botanical Garden in Plovdiv. The meeting was hosted by the Governor of the city, Prof. Hristina Yancheva and was attended by the Deputy Mayor of Plovdiv Municipality, Mr. Vladimir Temelkov, the Rector of the Agricultural University-Plovdiv, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boryana Ivanova, Prof. Vesela Kazashka, Head of Administration at CPSBB, as well as the Head of the “Compass” Community Center – Mrs. Nataliya Ellis. “Our experience shows that it is important to provide funds for the construction and the first years of the operation of the botanical garden as a scientific and educational center and open-air museum. I am glad that the regional governor and the municipality are so actively involved as this project is of crucial importance for the development of the city and the region” said Prof. Vesela Kazashka, Head of administration at CPSBB.
Scientists from the CPSBB are developing a nutritional supplement for longevity based on a specific Bulgarian food product, 23 July 2024
Scientists from CPSBB in a collaboration with researchers from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences are developing a nutraceutical for longevity based on a specific Bulgarian honey. The scientific team from the “Plant Cell Biotechnology” department already has achieved proven results that this type of honey extends the life of the model organism by more than 30%. “Our goal is to create a product that is 100% explored in terms of quantity and quality of the substances in its composition. For this purpose, we use metabolomics based on a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. This is one of the most powerful modern analytical methods for qualitative, quantitative and structural analysis, used to ensure a high level in fundamental and applied research.
The Plant Cell Biotechnology Department of CPSBB attended ICNPR 2024 in Poland, 13 July 2024
The Head of the Plant Cell Biotechnology department of CPSBB, Prof. Dr. Milen I. Georgiev, was a speaker and chairperson of the International Congress on Natural Products Research (ICNPR) in Krakow, Poland. The ICNPR is a major event in the natural products field and is held once per four years. It is organized by seven major societies worldwide (USA, Europe, South Korea and Japan). The lecture of Prof. Georgiev covered the research efforts of his scientific team on obesity and longevity domains. The researchers from the department also presented their study with poster presentations, impressing the delegates with the scientific approach for development of natural cosmetic and medical products for anti-ageing, longevity promotion and weight management.
Students held their practical training in Biotechnology at CPSBB, 2-3 July 2024
Tenth graders from the Professional School of Food Technology in Plovdiv visited CPSBB as part of their practical education in Biotechnology. The two-day visit was organized under the Memorandum of Cooperation which was signed by the management of the school and CPSBB in 2022. The researchers from CPSBB, Dr. Nikola Staykov (Molecular Biologist) and Dr. Alicja Wieteska (Agronomist), guided the students through the laboratories, greenhouses, and plant growth chambers in the scientific campus, presenting some of the current research projects of CPSBB and the state-of-the-art technical equipment of CPSBB funded by the Operational Programme “Science and Education for Smart Growth” within the PlantaSYST project. The large-scale research projects NatGenCrop, BOOSTER, AgroDigiRise, and HealthyDiets4Africa, currently conducted in the greenhouses of CPSBB, were the main topics of presentations to the students.
CPSBB exchanged knowledge and experience with a delegation from eight widening countries within the WIDERA Horizon Europe Work Programme, 12 June 2024
A delegation with representatives of the National Contact Points (NCPs) within the WIDERA Horizon Europe Work Program visited CPSBB as part of the project “Transnational network of NCPs for Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area (NCP_WIDERA.NET)”. National Contact Points (NCPs) are independent organizations of different natures (ministries, academies of science, research agencies, etc.) that act as information providers to ERC applicants in their native language. The delegates represented eight widening countries (Armenia, Greece, Czechia, Malta, Turkiye, Morocco, Romania, and Albania) and were led by a delegation from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria. Their main goal was to exchange knowledge and experience in establishing Centers of Excellence in their homelands.
Consortium members from 10 countries worldwide gathered at CPSBB for an annual meeting within the BOOSTER project, 05-07 June 2024
Scientists from Bulgaria, France, Italy, South Africa, Ireland, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and Ethiopia visited CPSBB for the Second Annual Meeting for the BOOSTER project. The three-day event (05-07 June 2024) was organized and hosted by CPSBB in the scientific complex of the Center in Plovdiv. The BOOSTER project is a 4-year scientific research dedicated to boosting drought tolerance in key cereals (both maize and teff) and meeting the challenges of climate change. The scientists involved in this international project exploit natural genetic variations in order to achieve drought-tolerant genotypes of these key cereal crops. They also harness natural resources and apply biostimulants derived from seaweed extracts (SWEs) and microbial biostimulants composed of soil microorganisms growing in and around plant roots with the main objective of developing new varieties of drought-tolerant agricultural crops
Students from the University of Plovdiv held their practical training in Plant Physiology at CPSBB, 29 May 2024
Students from the Faculty of Biology in the University of Plovdiv (PU) visited CPSBB and held their practical training in Plant Physiology. The undergraduates are in their third year of education for Bachelor’s degree in Biology, Molecular Biology, Biology and Chemistry, Biology and English, Ecology. Prof. Dr. Tsanko Gechev, Director of CPSBB and lecturer in Molecular Genetics at PU, introduced the students to the PlantaSYST project, within which the Center was established, the scientific departments, as well as the fundamental and applied research, conducted by the scientists of CPSBB. He also presented the partnerships of the Center with institutional, industrial and NGO organizations in Bulgaria and abroad.
The Head of “Plant Cell Biotechnology” department of CPSBB became a record-winner of the Pythagoras science award for bulgarian scientists, 17 May 2024
The Head of the “Plant Cell Biotechnology” Department, Prof. Dr. Milen. I. Georgiev, was awarded with the prestigious Pythagoras Science Award in the category “Experienced Scientist in Life Sciences and Medicine”. The official ceremony was held in Sofia on 17 May 2024 and hosted by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science. To date, Prof. Dr. Milen I. Georgiev has won in total four Pythagoras Awards in different categories which makes him the most awarded Bulgarian scientist with this prestigious award! Main focus of research of Prof. Georgiev’s team is on obesity and longevity domains. The main approach in the research includes a deep molecular study of the relationship between key signalling pathways in obesity and longevity in various biological systems with the application of contemporary omics approaches (incl. transcriptomics and metabolomics).
Innovative solutions for greenhouse production and biological protection of raspberries and strawberries were presented at CPSBB, 15 May 2024
Scientists, students, representatives of the academic community, industrial and institutional partner organizations, and raspberry and strawberry producers from different regions of Bulgaria visited the Center for Plant System Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) in Plovdiv. The Bulgarian Association of Raspberry and Strawberry Producers and AgroHub.BG organised the event. The chairman of the Association, Mr. Bozhidar Petkov, and Dr. Maria Benina, a researcher at CPSBB, presented the centre’s experimental greenhouse facilities, a “Science” demo point of AgroHub.BG in the CPSBB. Currently, a scientific experiment is being conducted with different varieties of strawberries and raspberries, which are treated with biostimulants, plant protection products, and completely organic fertilisers.
An official delegation from China visited CPSBB, 17 April 2024
A delegation from the Embassy of the People’s Republic of Chinа in Bulgaria and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing initiated a visit to CPSBB. The official guests met with Prof. Dr. Milen Georgiev, Head of the Plant Cell Biotechnology department at CPSBB. Prof. Georgiev guided the delegation through the laboratories and greenhouse facilities within CPSBB’s scientific campus, presenting the fundamental and applied research which is held by the scientists of the Center. Mutual fundamental scientific projects, development of innovative functional foods, as well as research on longevity and obesity, could be major topics of future potential collaboration between CPSBB and China.
Scientists from Bulgaria and Germany read the genome of the protected plant Orpheus Flower (Haberlea rhodopensis), 10 April 2024
Scientists from the Bulgarian Center for Excellence in Plant System Biology and Biotechnology – CPSBB, together with researchers from the University of Potsdam and the “Max Planck” Institute for Plant Molecular Physiology in Germany, have successfully sequenced the genome of Haberlea rhodopensis – an endemic Bulgarian species, a “resurrection plant” ”, also known as Orpheus flower or Rhodope silyvryak. The characteristics of the genome of the Orpheus flower are described in the scientific article with free access“The genome of Haberlea rhodopensis provides insights into the mechanisms for tolerance to multiple extreme environments”, published in “Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences”.
Career and education opportunities at CPSBB were presented to students from the Biological Faculty of Sofia University, 21 March 2024
CPSBB took part in the Career Forum, organized and hosted by the Biological Faculty of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Dr. Veselin Petrov (Head of Department “Funding” at CPSBB and lecturer in Biochemistry at Agricultural University Plovdiv), Aneta Roycheva (Training and Development Specialist), and Christina Vancheva (PR Expert), presented CPSBB to hundreds of students, academic and industry representatives. Dr. Petrov held a presentation, introducing the scientific complex of CPSBB, the research departments, as well as research projects the scientists of the Center are currently working on – PlantaSYST, NatGenCrop, BELIS, BOOSTER, CropPrime, AgroDigiRise, CAFTA, RESIST, HealthyDiets4Africa, etc.
For a fourth consecutive year, the Green Initiative of CPSBB was held in Plovdiv, 1 March 2024
Scientists and administrative personnel of CPSBB took part in the fourth edition of the GREEN INITIATIVE of the Center. Paulownia tomentosa, Ginkgo biloba, and Gymnocladus dioicus were the tree species, transplanted in an interblock space in the Trakia district, as well as on the sidewalk of the main street in front of the scientific complex of CPSBB. The plants were grown and collected by Dr. Nikola Staykov – a scientist from the Molecular Plant Physiology department of CPSBB. Improving the city environment, especially in the Trakia district, is of a high priority for CPSBB. The Center works in close cooperation with Trakia Municipality and Plovdiv Municipality, and it is always open to sharing professional expertise, which will ensure optimal plant improvement for the district area.
Bulgarian Association of Biological Plant Protection was organizer of agro-forum “Knowledge is the power of successful agriculture”, 12-13 December 2023
The Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology as co-organizer and host was presented by Prof. D-r Tsanko Gechev at a two-day event of the Bulgarian Association of Biological Plant Protection. National companies, agricultural producers, and governmental and non-governmental organizations take part in the event. The main topic of discussion was how science and industry can meet the challenges of climat change, improving the resilience to stress in crops and their nutritional properties by applying natural products and fundamental scientific knowledge. The event was attended by Amititsa, Opora Zaden, Polimex, Balkan Agro, Ecoplant, Serbia Agro Logistics, Institute Smederevska Palanka, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Bulgaria, Geosemselect, Maritsa VCRI, Bioselena, BAM, Elephant Vert and others.
A Public Photo Exhibition in the Center of Plovdiv Showcases the PlantaSYST Project and Research Activities of CPSBB, 1 December 2023
20 billboards were installed in the Central Park of Plovdiv (Tsar Simeon’s Garden, next to the Demetre fountain), presenting to society the PlantaSYST project, as well as some of the research projects of CPSBB. The research complex, technical equipment and research departments of CPSBB are the main topics of the exhibition. Eight international research projects, which are currently conducted by the scientific team of CPSBB, are also showcased – NatGenCrop, CropPrime, CAFTA, RESIST, BELIS, BOOSTER, AgroDigiRise and HealthyDiets4Africa. The exhibition gives the historical frame of the establishment of CPSBB – from 2015 till nowadays and it pays a tribute to the Municipality of Plovdiv and the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, both of them partners of CPSBB with significant contribution to the realization of the PlantaSYST project.
CPSBB hosted the first edition of Plovdiv Science Festival, 23-26 November 2023
Thousands of students, teachers, their families and friends visited CPSBB on 23-26 November 2023 where the first edition of Plovdiv Science Festival was organized by the “Beautiful Science” Foundation. More than 1,500 students (1st-12th grade) from 34 schools took part in the event which aims at connecting teachers and scientists so that more scientists could enter classes in schools and enrich the theoretical education with practical knowledge and experience. “We hope that by participating in Plovdiv’s first science festival, the children will find the spark that will awaken their curiosity and interest in being researchers. CPSBB is very proud of hosting and partnering such an event as it fully corresponds to our main goal and mission as a Bulgarian Center of Excellence – to bridge the gap between science, industry, government and society and create an optimal environment for career development of Bulgarian and foreign researchers”, said Assoc. Vesela Kazashka, Head of Administration at CPSBB.
Demo point “Science” of the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) AgroHub.BG was officially opened at CPSBB, 16 November 2023
Demo point “Science” of the European Digital Innovation Hub – EDIH AgroHub.BG was officially opened at the Center for Plant System Biology and Biotechnology (CBSBB) in Plovdiv. Researchers, producers of high-tech solutions for agriculture, as well as farmers and NGO’s representatives from all over the country took part in the official opening of the “Science” Demo point at CPSBB within the project AgroDigiRise initiated by EDIH AgroHub.BG. All services and partners of the AgroDigiRise project were main topics during the event. Presentations and demo tours across the greenhouses and laboratories of CPSBB were organized and visitors could test and see the unique system for precise irrigation and nurturing of plants which is installed in the demo greenhouse.
Teachers from vocational schools in Spain visited CPSBB, 28 October 2023
Over 20 teachers from vocational schools in Spain visited the scientific complex of CPSBB, interested in potential possibilities for students’ exchange programs between Spanish educational institutions and CPSBB. They were welcomed by Dr. Nikola Staykov, researcher at the Molecular Stress Physiology department of CPSBB. He guided the guests through the whole campus of CPSBB, including the laboratories, green houses, and growth chambers of the newly built Center of excellence.
CPSBB Presented its unique scientific complex to the Bulgarian government and society, 13 October 2023
On October 13, 2023, the official opening ceremony of the newly built scientific complex of the Center for Plant System Biology and Biotechnology (CBSBB) took place in Plovdiv. Acad. Prof. Dr. Nikolay Denkov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria, Prof. Dr. Galin Tsokov, Minister of Education and Science, Mr. Boyko Blagoev, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Bulgaria, Mr. Ivan Popov, Deputy Executive Director of EA “Education Program”, Mr. Stefan Stoyanov, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Plovdiv, together with the leaders of the PlantaSYST
“European Researchers’ Night” 2023 at CPSBB, 29 September 2023
For the ninth year, the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) is a partner of the international campaign “European Researchers Night” 2023. The initiative is held annually in over 25 European countries. The main goal is researchers from different scientific fields to connect with the general public and young generation and increase their interest in science and research careers. The events, organized by each campaign partner, are designed to demonstrate in an interesting and interactive way various aspects of science and its impact on people’s lives.
2nd International Conference on Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology, 25-27 September 2023
On 25-27 September 2023 the second edition of the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PLANT SYSTEMS BIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY (ICPSBB 2023) was held in Plovdiv. Тhe event took place in the newly built scientific complex of CPSBB, gathering scientists from five continents and over 20 countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, China, New Zealand, South Africa, United States of America, Germany, Israel, India, Brazil, Chile, etc.).
Ukranian academic delegation visited CPSBB, 21 September 2023
Ukranian professors and lecturers in agriculture sciences visited CPSBB. The visit was organized in a partnership with the Agricultural university in Plovdiv. Scientists from CPSBB presented the PlantaSYST project, within which the Center was established in Bulgaria. They also showcased the laboratories, technological equipment, scientific projects, as well as the building and greenhouse facilities which are unequaled for Eastern Europe. Тhe guests were impressed by the European and international research projects currently conducted by CPSBB (CropPrime, NatGenCrop, BOOSTER, etc.), as well as the technological and laboratory equipment with which scientists carry out their research at the Center.
Delegation with industrial companies from the Netherlands visited CPSBB, 18 September 2023
Representatives from Dutch companies, specialized in the fields of biotechnology and agriculture, visited CPSBB as part of a business delegation of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Bulgaria. The visit was hosted by researchers from CPSBB who presented the Center and guided the visitors through the scientific campus of CPSBB. Dr. Nikola Staykov presented the PlantaSYST project, funded by the European Commission and the Bulgarian Operational Programme “Science and Education for Smart Growth”, within which CPSBB was established. Dr. Staykov presented also the departments, scientific activities, and current research projects, conducted in the Center. The guests were guided through the greenhouse facilities of CPSBB where several international scientific projects are conducted parallelly – the NatGenCrop project (improving stress tolerance in tomatoes and peppers), the CropPrime project (development of innovative natural products for plant protection), BOOSTER (improving crop yield in maize and teff), RESIST (improving crop resilience to drought), and others.
18th EUCARPIA International Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant, 18-21 September 2023
We are very pleased to announce that the 18th EUCARPIA Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum and Eggplant will be held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria from 18 to 21 of September, 2023. The meeting is being organized by Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute (MVCRI) in collaboration with the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB), both engaged in research on pepper and other Solanaceous crops. Postponed with one year due to the COVID pandemic, the conference will be performed as on-site event. We believe this is the most efficient way for interaction and exchange of knowledge and ideas gained after the last meeting in Avignon, France in 2019. The EUCARPIA Capsicum and Eggplant meeting, 2023 will offer you rich scientific programme, inspirational keynotes, plentiful networking opportunities and social interaction.
Delegations from the Ministry of Innovation and Growth and Plovdiv Municipality visited CPSBB as a part of the innovation policy of the Bulgarian government, 31 July 2023
Delegations from the Bulgarian Ministry of Innovation and Growth, headed by the Minister, Mrs. Milena Stoycheva, and Plovdiv Municipality, presented by the Deputy Mayor, Mr. Stefan Stoyanov, visited CPSBB and met with the Management of the Center – Prof. Dr. Tsanko Gechev (Director) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vesela Kazashka (Head of Administration). The visit was part of the state policy for innovations which aims at bridging the gap between research, technological development and industrial policy for innovation development, based on fundamental and applied science. Prof. Dr. Tsanko Gechev presented the PlantaSYST project and its crucial significance for the Bulgarian science, as it is one of the 11 successful European projects and the only one Bulgarian project in the field of plant biology, approved for funding by the European commission within the Teaming action of the “Horizon 2020” programme.
New CPSBB’s tomato varieties were presented during the Summer Open Field Days of Opora Zaden Bulgaria, 22-24 June 2023
The Summer Open Days was organized by Opora Zaden on 22-24 June 2023 in Tsalapitsa, Plovdiv. CPSBB attended the event and presented four new tomato varieties, developed in partnership with “Maritsa” Vegetable Crops Research Institute. Field tomato presentations of the new sorts “Rozovo siyanie”, “Dara”, “Salzica’ and “Mini Miss” were showcased during the event. Many producers and companies have already expressed interest in the new varieties, as they combine traditional taste and improved nutritional qualities. The three-day Open Field Days were attended by crop producers, agricultural companies, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and media representatives.
The first Bulgarian Center of excellence in plant science was presented during the 2nd Regional Meeting “From Science to Innovations”, 15 June 2023
The 2nd Regional Meeting “From Science to Innovation” was organized by the Executive Agency “Program for Education” on June 15, 2023 in Gabrovo. More than 80 participants attended the meeting. The event brought together business and municipalities, as well as beneficiary representatives, in order to present them the strategic objectives and infrastructures of the Centers of Excellence and Centers of Competence, financed by the Operational Program “Science and Education for Smart Growth”.
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CPSBB attended the ISF World Seed Congress in Cape Town, 5-7 June 2023
Dr. Veselin Petrov and Mr. Petar Kazakov participated in the ISF World Seed Congress, organized by the International Seed Federation in Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, from 5 to 7 June 2023.The International Seed Federation is the largest organization that unites biotechnology, vegetable breeding, and seed-producing companies all over the world. It is widely regarded as the voice of the global seed industry. The ISF Congress in Cape Town was attended by more than 1000 delegates from over 60 countries worldwide, mainly CEOs of leading organizations and companies in the global agricultural industry. CPSBB’s repredentatives made contact with Enza Zaden, Suba seeds, Symborg, Starke Ayres, Seed-Co, Anseme, Intertec, Saaten Union, Agrosel, Hectar, Amphasys, Semo, Valley Seeds, Durga Seeds, Cnus, Verim Ziraat and others.
CPSBB presented the PlantaSYST and NatGenCrop projects to students from Professional School of Food Technology in Plovdiv, 4-5 June 2023
Tenth graders from the Professional School of Food Technology in Plovdiv visited CPSBB as part of their practical education in Biotechnology. The researchers from CPSBB, Dr. Emil Vatov, Dr. Maria Benina, Dr. Alicja Wieteska, and Valentina Ivanova, guided the students through the laboratories, greenhouses, and plant growth chambers in the scientific campus, presenting some of the research projects of CPSBB and the state-of-the-art technical equipment of CPSBB. The research complex of CPSBB is funded by the Operational Programme “Science and Education for Smart Growth”. Main topic of the visit was the NatGenCrop project which will be conducted and coordinated by CPSBB for the next five years with funding from the HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-01 program of the European Union. The project aims at enhancing the yield and stress tolerance in tomato and pepper crops. A new department at CPSBB was established for the project, headed by the prominent scientist and ERA Chairs Holder Dr. Saleh Alseekh.
Young scientist from the PlantaSYST project was awarded for best poster presentation by the Association for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, 02 June 2023
Monika Todorova, a PhD student and young researcher who works in one of the partnering organizations from the PlantaSYST project – The Stephan Angeloff Institute of Microbiology (IMicB), Laboratory of Metabolomics, was awarded for the best poster presentation by the Association for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (AMAPSEEC). The award was presented by the president of AMAPSEEC, Prof. Zora Dajić Stevanović, with an official ceremony during the International Conference on Natural Product Utilization 2023 – ICNPU 2023. The poster presentation was entitled “Effect of icariin on Longevity, Stress Resistance and Fitness of Caenorhabditis elegans”. It is a result of the scientific teamwork and collaboration between CPSBB’s Plant Cell Biotechnology department and the Laboratory of Metabolomics (IMiCB), for promoting healthspan and longevity in C. elegans.
More than 100 students held their practical training on Plant Physiology at CPSBB, 30 May 2023
More than 100 students from University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski” (Faculty of Biology) visited CPSBB and held their practical training in Plant Physiology. The undergraduates are in their third and fourth year of education for Bachelor’s degree in Biology, Biology and Chemistry, Biology and English, Ecology and Molecular Biology. Prof. Dr. Tsanko Gechev welcomed the students and presented the scientific departments and research activities of CPSBB. He pointed out the main advantages of the state of the art equipment of the Center and highlighted one of the main research topics of the Center – the resurrection plant Haberlea rhodopensis. He also presented some of the current scientific projects on which CPSBB works with international partners (e.g. CropPrime, NatGenCrop, Booster, RESIST) and conducted a live demonstration with a conductometer for detecting electrolyte conductivity and stress levels in plants. “CPSBB welcomes motivated and ambitious students to complete doctoral degree in biotechnologies and develop their scientific career here, as part of our research team”, outlined Prof. Gechev.
Workshop: Entrepreneurship and transferable skills – RESIST project, 29 May 2023
The development of highly disruptive technologies to solve major societal problems often requires an applied science approach, merging the expertise of Industry and Academia. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a key role in developing technologies that are commercially viable and fulfil regulatory and sustainability requirements. Furthermore, SMEs have the requisite knowledge, IP and industrial scale facilities to manufacture disruptive technologies at large-scale to meet global market demands. Whilst primarily focused on basic research, Academia also has an important role to play in applied research, by collaborating with industrial partners and providing highly technical expertise, knowledge and facilities to independently validate technologies. It is increasingly common at national and international levels to require close collaboration between industry and academia in attempts to solve major societal problems, for example climate change mitigation and delivery of effective and sustainable agriculture.
Scientist from CPSBB won a poster award from the International Vaccine Institute, 29 May 2023
The researcher from the Technology Transfer Department of CPSBB – Dr. Gergana Zahmanova – won the second place during an official awarding ceremony organized by the International Vaccine Institute during the 2nd International Hepatitis E Symposium (HEV Symposium). The event was held on 28th-29th April in London. The award was a recognition of a poster presentation, entitled “Rapid production of highly immunogenic Hepatitis E virus-like particles in plants using viral vectors”. Dr. Zahmanova is working together with leading scientis from JIC, Norwich and RAS, Moscow on the development of HEV vaccine in plants. The 2nd International Hepatitis E Symposium brought together leading experts in hepatitis E virus (HEV) research, presenting new data and updates on HEV which is a serious though often neglected disease. Over the course of the 2-day meeting, participants were engaged in presentations, panels, and discussion around the latest findings in HEV epidemiology, diagnostics, control and vaccination
Teachers from vocational schools in Spain visited CPSBB, 23 May 2023
16 teachers from vocational schools in Andalucia, Spain visited the scientific complex of CPSBB. They were guided through the whole campus of CPSBB, including the laboratories, green houses, and the conference halls of the newly built Center. The visit is the second one in a row, the previous one was held on 17 May. CPSBB welcomes Erasmus+ students since 2021. Recently one intern from Bilbao completed her quarterly educational program and currently two more Spanish students are gaining practical and theoretical knowledge from the experts of CPSBB, all as part of the Erasmus+ program.
Official delegates from EIT Food visited CPSBB, 22 May 2023
On 22 May, 2023, a delegation led by the executive director of EIT Food, Dr. Andy Zinga, met with student and teaching community, business and political representatives, scientists and innovators. Head of the Funding Department, Assistant Prof. Dr. Veselin Petrov, took part in the meeting as the Center will partner the Bulgarian hub of EIT Food. The goals of the institute are to support the development of solutions to global challenges related to food, to accelerate the implementation of innovations, to educate and train future experts, to create new food patterns and habits. The event started with a presentation entitled “Innovations in the agro-food sector – building synergy for better opportunities”, which took place in the hall of the Agricultural University, Plovdiv. Dr. Zinga and EIT Food Director for North-East Europe Maria-Liisa Mouris presented the European strategies for innovations in the agri-food sector and the bioeconomy, training support and funding programs of EIT Food.
Scientist from CPSBB was nominated for Pythagoras Prize for young researchers, 19 May 2023
Dr. Liliya Mihaylova, researcher from the Plant Cell Biotechnology Department of CPSBB, was among the first three awarded young scientists for the Pythagoras Prize of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science in the category “Life Sciences and Medicine”. The official awarding ceremony was held in Sofia on 19 May, 2023. “It is an honor to be among the first 3 nominees for the Pythagoras Prize for Young Scientist in the category “Life Sciences and Medicine”. I am grateful to the management of the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology and the Scientific Council at the Institute of Microbiology “Stefan Angelov” for raising my nomination. Overweight is a huge epidemic of our time and a major risk factor for developing chronic diseases and shortening life expectancy.
Two public lectures for composting technology and prevention of viral infections in crops will be held on 11 May 2023
The events are part of “School of Advanced Horticulture” – initiative of “Maritsa” Vegetable Crops Research Institute and CPSBB within the PlantaSYST project. Two lectures will be held concerning the following themes: „Composting – technology and quality of compost. Application in seeding production.” and „Pests – Vectors of virus diseases in vegetable crops.” Lecturers: Dr. Tsvetanka Dincheva, Dr. Vinelina Yankova and Dr. Gancho Pasev. One of the lecture will present basic technological elements for the production of quality compost: materials, their preparation for composting, controlling the process and analyzes of the final product. The aim is to provide guidance to farmers on how to utilize plant waste from agriculture and to produce compost.
The producing company of the unique Mass Spectrometry System of CPSBB inspected its laboratory exploitation, 03 May 2023
Mr. Matthias Rietdorf, Business Development Manager of Waters Corporation and Mrs. Elena Kadijska, the Manager of FOT Ltd. company- the exclusive representatives of Waters for Bulgaria- visited the scientific complex of the Center and inspected the installation and exploitation of the unique for Bulgaria and Eastern Europe, high throughput analytical mass spectrometry system. They met the scientific team engaged in the training process and both were very satisfied with the current results. Thanks to the exceptional proficiency of Mr. Sascha Robbert, EU HRMS Support Specialist, Waters EHQ / Waters Corporation, the scientific team of CPSBB gained excellent practical knowledge and know-how on mastering the complex system properly for in-depth scientific research, analytical data and results.
CPSBB is a partner in European project aiming at the development of innovative and sustainable strategies for the creation of climate-resilient and drought-tolerant cereals, 1 May 2023
BOOSTER will improve drought tolerance in both maize and teff, while simultaneously exploring the potential for transferring species-specific drought responsive features. By exploiting natural genetic variation to achieve drought tolerant genotypes and by developing biostimulants derived from living organisms, BOOSTER will take advantage of the already available natural resources to steer our agriculture towards novel drought tolerant varieties. wo synergistic strategies will be implemented to achieve this goal. Firstly, a new approach will identify genomic variants in regulatory regions functionally associated with drought tolerance. Novel regulatory elements underlying resilience will inform efficient breeding efforts to create new drought tolerant cereal varieties.
CPSBB took part in the Career Day, organized by the Agricultural University, Plovdiv, 26 April 2023
Academia representatives, business companies, and students participated in the Career Day of the Agricultural University, Plovdiv. The event gave businesses the opportunity to present job vacancies and corporate internship programs to the students. Hristina Vancheva, PR Expert of CPSBB, gave a brief introduction to a corporate video presentation of CPSBB and welcomed students and lecturers to the Center’s exhibition stand, where they could learn more about the research activity and educational initiatives they could benefit from. Mr. Peter Kazakov (Marketing expert), Dr. Veselin Petrov (Head of Department Funding), and Dr. Valentina Ivanova (researcher at CPSBB) met with students and business representatives in the exhibition area of the event.
CPSBB presented the PlantaSYST project to Bulgarian and British academic institutions for potential partnership in transnational education, 22 March 2023
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vesela Kazashka (Head of Administration, CPSBB, Mr. Vasil Kolev (Project Manager, CPSBB), and Mrs. Christina Vancheva (PR expert, CPSBB) participated in an online webinar organized by the British Council in Bulgaria. The event gathered academic leaders, lecturers and project managers from Bulgarian and British academic institutions with the main goal to discuss potential partnership in transnational education between Bulgaria and the United Kingdom. CPSBB presented the project PlantaSYST, as well as the research activities, educational programmes, and training projects held by the scientific and academic staff of the Center.
The third edition of CPSBB’s Green Initiative was held in Plovdiv, 16 March 2023
For a third consecutive year the “Green Initiative” of CPSBB was held in Trakia district of Plovdiv on 16 March, 2023. The main goal of the campaign is to improve the area around the newly built campus of CPSBB, as well as the living conditions of residents in the neighborhood. Scientists from CPSBB, led by the campaign coordinator Dr. Nikola Staykov, and the Deputy Mayor of Trakia district, Mr. Pencho Malinov, took part in the campaign. They planted Paulownia tomentosa and Ginkgo biloba trees, so that people will be able to relish their beauty in the near future. Paulownia tomentosa is called the “Tree of the future” because of its extremely fast growth and great potential for CO2 fixation. With its huge leaves it quickly and effectively cleans the air.
CPSBB was presented at the biggest agricultural fair in Bulgaria, 27 February 2023
CPSBB was presented at the biggest agricultural fair in Bulgaria – AGRA on 22-25 February 2023. The Center and its partner – “Maritsa” Vegetable Crops Research Institute (MVCRI) participated with a mutual stand where six tomato and pepper varieties, developed in a collaboration between the two institutes, were presented to visitors. As a partner of AgroHub.BG, CPSBB provided information to visitors about the free services for Bulgarian farmers under the project AgroDigiRise. A scientific demo point will be positioned in the research complex of CPSBB. The demo point will offer farmers scientific expertise and access to the most modern technologies for sustainable and precise agriculture.
Launch of project – Investigation of the personnel motivation for career development in a regional cluster for crop production, 19 January 2023
On 19.01.2023, a Kick off meeting to launch the activities of the project “Investigation of the personnel motivation for career development in a regional cluster for crop production” (КП-06-ПН65/15) with project manager of Assoc. Prof. Vesela Kazashka was held in CPSBB Plovdiv. The project financed by the The Bulgarian National Science Fund (BNSF), started on 01.01.2023 and has a duration of 36 months.The single beneficiary (Applying organization for the implementation of the project) is the Center of Plant System Biology and Biotechnology. The research team is composed of 10 young and established scientists in the fields of biology, agricultural sciences, economics and information technologies.
CPSBB joins an international network aiming to develop novel natural products for plant protection, 01 January 2023
Two of the leading European plant research centers – VIB-Plant Systems Biology from Ghent, Belgium (VIB-PSB) and The James Hutton Institute (JHI) from UK – will join academic institutions from Central Europe (Mendel University in Brno (MENDELU) and Biology Center of the Czech Academy of Sciences (BC CAS) and Eastern Europe (Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) to create a pan European network. Together with an Irish industrial partner – the biotechnological company BioAtlantis, the network will develop novel natural products for plant protection allowing effective flow of information and expertise through EU member states and sectors.
A new research department, “Crop Quantitative Genetics,” was established in CPSBB, 01 January 2023
CPSBB established a new department, “Crop Quantitative Genetics”, headed by Dr. Saleh Alseekh. Dr. Alseekh has a notable publication track record and scientific achievements (more than 120 publications in international peer-reviewed journals, including Nature Biotechnology, Nature Communications, Nature Genetics, Molecular Plant, Plant Cell, Trends in Plant Science; and more than 3500 citations). The new department developed an ambitious research programme as part of the ERA-Chair project NatGenCrop. One of its major goals is exploring the wide genetic and phenotypic variations of fleshy (tomato, pepper) and leafy (lettuce) vegetables to improve their agronomic traits under abiotic stresses (e.g. drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures).
CPSBB was awarded “Building of the Year 2022”, 15 December 2022
The newly built scientific campus of CPSBB in Plovdiv was awarded for “Building of the Year 2022” in the category “Social Infrastructure – Science, Culture and Education”. The award was handed to Assoc. Dr. Vasil Kolev, Project Manager at CPSBB, during an official ceremony in Sofia. The scientific campus is built under the project PlantaSYST. The project is financed by the European Commission under the “Horizon 2020” program with the amount of BGN 30 million, and the newly constructed building in Plovdiv is built with co-financing in the same amount from the OP “Science and Education for Smart Growth”. The scientific campus is located in the “Trakia” district of Plovdiv on land with an area of 23,477 sq. m., provided by the Municipality of Plovdiv. The total built-up area of the building is 10,032.93 sq.m.
CPSBB participated in a regional meeting “From Science to Innovations” in Stara Zagora, 29 November 2022
CPSBB took part in a regional meeting “From Science to Innovations”, organized by the Executive Agency “Programme Education”. The event was held in Stara Zagora on 29 November 2022. All participants were welcomed by the Executive Director of the Executive Agency – Prof. Georgi Vaysilov. The regional meeting was attended by managers and coordinators of all Centers of Competence and Centers of Excellence in Bulgaria funded by the EU and Operational Programme “Science and Education for Smart Growth”, as well as companies and NGO’s from the Southeast Central region of Bulgaria. During the meeting the new funding opportunities in the field of scientific research were presented by representatives of the Ministry of Innovation and Growth.
CPSBB became a member of EU-SAGE, 23 November 2022
CPSBB became a member ofEU-SAGE – a network representing scientists from 155 European plant science institutes and societies that have joined forces to provide information about genome editing. The consortium aims at promoting the development of European and EU member state policies to enable the use of genome editing for sustainable agriculture and food production. “This initiative is important for changing the public opinion and current European policies regarding the use of plant genome editing technologies. It is crucial to inform the society and politicians about the advantages of these technologies. Genome editing will naturally enhance crops’ protection against adverse conditions and pests, and improve their qualities.
CPSBB participated in a round table organized by AERAP, 16 November 2022
CPSBB participated in an online round table “Africa-EU Research Infrastructures”, organized by the Africa-Europe Science and Innovation Cooperation Platform (AERAP) . The attendance of CPSBB was at the invitation of Mr. Declan Kirrane, Chairman and Managing Director of the Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly. The adoption of a program as a result of a dialogue between industry, research institutes and public sector from all EU member states and African nations was a major topic of discussion. The program should align priorities across a range of scientific topics with the priorities of scientists and industrial representatives. AERAP is a stakeholder forum convened to set priorities for science and innovation cooperation between Africa and Europe.
CPSBB became a partner in a project for building a circular bio-based economy in the South-Central region of Bulgaria, 14 November 2022
Prof. Dr. Tsanko Gechev and Dr. Veselin Petrov represented CPSBB during a meeting dedicated to the new project MainstreamBIO. The event took place on 14 November 2022 and was organized by the Agricultural University – Plovdiv, which is the Bulgarian coordinator of the action. The project MainstreamBIO is funded by the EU programme Horizon Europe and aims at supporting the adoption of circular bioeconomy practices and solutions across rural regions in Europe. The main objective is to regenerate rural communities by creating sustainable new value chains and business models through the deployment of local small-scale bio-based technologies. This will stimulate the development of circular bioeconomy across various areas in Europe at local and regional scale. Ten beneficiaries from nine countries constitute the consortium of ManistreamBIO. CPSBB was invited to become a partner in the project as the Center is a major research institution in the region and has the potential to contribute to its realization by providing scientific knowledge and expertise.
CPSBB signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Professional High School of Food Technologies and Technics in Plovdiv, 11 November 2022
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between CPSBB and the High School of Food Technologies and Technics in Plovdiv. The agreement sets a framework for partnership between the Center and the school, ensuring internship programs, practical training for students and teachers, joint projects, and R&D activities. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vesela Kazashka (Head of CPSBB’s Administration) signed the official document on behalf of CPSBB together with representatives of the High School of Food Technologies and Technics – Eng. Dafina Braykova and Mrs. Maria Pancheva. In accordance with the memorandum, vocational school students had their introductory biotechnology practicals at CPSBB. Dr. Nikola Staykov welcomed the students and guided them through the Center’s plant-growing facilities and laboratories. He presented the labs’ equipment and the research projects implemented by CPSBB’s scientists.
The newly built scientific campus of CPSBB was nominated for Building of the Year, 10 November 2022
The new building of the CPSBB in Plovdiv was nominated for “Building of the Year 2022” in the national contest for architecture organized by The City Media Group. The scientific campus of CPSBB was nominated in the category “Social infrastructure – science, culture, education” and will compete with nine other projects for the prestigious award. The building of CPSBB consists of laboratories, specialized premises, administrative offices, greenhouses, a conference hall with 300 seats, four classrooms with 80 seats for training and events, a restaurant, cafeteria and reception. The scientific campus of CPSBB is a modern research center for fundamental and applied plant science, built according to the world standards of the leading institutions in this field. The winners in the contest “Building of the Year 2022” will be announced on 15 December 2022 with an official ceremony in Sofia.
A Senior Economist from the World Bank Group met representatives of the CPSBB, 27 October 2022
Mr. Francisco Campos, Senior Economist for the World Bank Group, visited CPSBB and met with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vessela Kazashka and Mrs. Marina Mircheva. Mr. Francisco Campos is an advisor of the Bulgarian Ministry of Innovations and Growth and is looking for potential opportunities to stimulate cooperation between small and medium-sized (SME) Bulgarian enterprises and scientific organizations in the country. Considering CPSBB is a unique center of excellence in plant science, Mr. Campos expressed interest in the Center’s structure, expertise, and research activities, which could potentially be helpful to companies demanding scientific services and analyses.
Workshop: Recent developments in the molecular mechanisms of plant biostimulants and their role in mitigating the effects of climate change – RESIST project, 24 October 2022
Climate change is predicted to increase the risk of stress induced oxidative damage in crops, resulting in extensive yield losses globally. This workshop will provide new insights into seaweed-based biostimulants and microbial-based technologies and their role in mitigating against the effects of climate change. A series of lectures will be delivered by experts from the biostimulant industry and by university researchers with expertise and practical experience in the areas covering abiotic/oxidative stress in crops and physiological and molecular level changes elicited by biostimulants to mitigate abiotic stress and crop losses. Furthermore, the workshop will demonstrate the benefits of these novel technologies under field conditions across a range of different crops, translating to an increased return on sustainable investment (ROSI) for the crop grower.
Scientists, pupils, students and teachers from Plovdiv partnered within the framework of the international initiative “European Researchers’ Night” 2022, 30 September 2022
For the first time, CPSBB opened the doors of the newly built research complex in Plovdiv to welcome pupils and students who participated in the initiatives and events prepared by our team in the framework of the European Researchers’ Night campaign! For a fourth consecutive year, the CPSBB has been a partner and a co-organizer of the international campaign in Plovdiv. The initiative takes place annually in more than 25 countries throughout Europe with the primary objective of connecting scientists from various fields with the general public, presenting significant innovative projects, and increasing the interest of young people in research careers.
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CPSBB took part in the conference AGRO 4.0, 29 September 2022
The Director of CPSBB, Prof. Dr Tsanko Gechev and Petar Kazakov, Marketing Expert, participated in the first edition of the conference for digitalization of the Bulgarian agriculture – AGRO 4.0. The event was attended by the Minister of Agriculture Yavor Gechev, the Minister of Innovation and Growth Alexander Pulev and the Chairman of the European Digital Innovation Hub for Agriculture AgroHub.BG Svetlana Boyanova. The conference took place on 29 September 2022 in Plovdiv and gathered Bulgarian government representatives, scientific researchers, farmers, agricultural producers and technology companies in order to discuss potential possibilities for the successful development of a modern Bulgarian agriculture based on digital technologies.
Researchers from the CPSBB received a prestigious e-poster award at the international PSE conference, 19-22 September 2022
The researchers from the Plant Cell Biotechnology Department of CPSBB – Iva Stoykova, Ivanka Koycheva, Biser Binev, and Prof. Dr. Milen I. Georgiev – were awarded for best e-poster presentation during the International Conference PSE 2022 – Natural Products in Drug Discovery and Development – Advances and Perspectives. The award was handed by Prof. Dr. Jianbo Xiao, President of the International Association of Dietetic Nutrition and Safety as a recognition for the best presentation held by a PhD student during the conference. The e-poster of our team was entitled “Myconoside, isolated from Haberlea rhodopensis, ameliorate UVA/UVB – induced changes in human keratinocytes” and it was selected among 101 applications for the prestigious award. It presented a study of the photoprotective effects of Haberlea rhodopensis Friv. (Gesneriaceae) extract (HRE) and its biologically active molecules calceolarioside E (CAL) and myconoside (MYC), against the UVA/UVB radiation-induced photoaging.
Young researcher from CPSBB participated in the 3rd PlantED conference in Germany, 5-7 September 2022
Ms. Manuela Stoyanova was invited to participate in the 3rd PlantED Conference COST Action (18111) in Germany on 5-7 September 2022. This year due to COVID restrictions, the number of physically present delegates was limited, and Ms. Stoyanova was among the 100 selected participants for the conference in Dusseldorf. The event was held over three days, with open scientific sessions on genome editing technology in plants, followed by PlantEd Working Group (WG) sessions and a Management Committee (MC) meeting. The event is part of the plant genome editing research network across Europe and beyond, an excellent platform for dissemination, discussions, networking, and updating the latest research and innovation.
A researcher from the CPSBB participated in the International conference COST action PLANTMETALS in Turkey, 31 August 2022
Assist. Prof. Dr. Veselin Petrov from the CPSBB took part in the COST Action CA19116 PLANTMETALS Conference “Trace Metal metabolism in Plants”. The event took place in Ankara, Turkey on 31 August – 02 September 2022. Dr. Petrov took part in the conference with a poster presentation on the effects of a biostimulant, based on a highly concentrated Ascophyllum nodosum (brown seaweed) extract, on the growth and development of eggplants and peppers.The CPSBB team revealed that the biostimulant significantly enhances the yield of both crops in field conditions and induces redistribution of macro and micronutrients including metal elements like Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn.
CPSBB and The PlantaSYST project were showcased with a photo exhibition in Sofia, 01 September 2022
The PlantaSYST project and the Center of Plant System Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) are a main focus of the photo exhibition “Education and Science”, organized in the center of Sofia by the OP “Science and Education for Smart Growth” with the assistance of the Municipality of Sofia. The photos of the newly built scientific campus of CPSBB show scientists who present to students from Plovdiv the scientific activities and interesting ongoing projects of the CPSBB. The students conducted their own experiment guided by the researchers. The exhibition is available until 14 September, 2022 in the park in front of the National Palace of Culture, next to Kino Cabana.
CPSBB was presented at Opora Zaden’s open field days in Tsalapitsa, 21-22 July 2022
On 21 and 22 July 2022, CPSBB took part in the Open Field Days, organized by the seeds producer Opora Zaden in Tsalapitsa, Plovdiv. This is one of the major events in the agricultural industry, which gathers producers and researchers from all parts of Bulgaria, offering them the opportunity for a know-how exchange and b2b meetings. CPSBB was presented with a stand where the visitors gained information about the PlantaSYST project, the research activities of the CPSBB, and the advantages of the biostimulant SuperFifty, produced by the Irish company BioAtlantis. The SuperFifty product is further improved and developed in a partnership between the company and the researchers from the Molecular Stress Physiology Department of CPSBB.
Second training under the project “Science and Journalism: Together against infodemic” was held in Plovdiv, 08 June 2022
More than 30 journalists and representatives of the academic community took part in the second training on the project “Science and Journalism – Together Against Infodemic”, which took place in Plovdiv on June 8, 2022. Speakers at the event were Maria Cheresheva, Vice-President of the Association of European Journalists (AEJ-Bulgaria), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vessela Kazashka (Administrative Director at the Center for Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology, CPSBB), Georgi Marchev, journalist from Factckeck.bg and Milena Ilieva from “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv.
Students from Plovdiv University visited CPSBB as part of their BSc education in plant physiology, 01 June 2022
100 students from Plovdiv University visited CPSBB as part of their education in plant physiology. The students are enrolled in different BSc programmes (Biology, Biology and Chemistry, Biology and English, Ecology, and Molecular Biology at the Faculty of Biology. Prof. Dr. Tsanko Gechev presented CPSBB to the students: its history, strategic objectives, organizational structure, research departments, and main activities. In particular, he emphasized on the research performed by the eepartments bioinformatics, molecular stress physiology, plant development, plant cell biotechnology, and vegetable breeding.
The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences awarded a researcher from CPSBB, 23 May 2022
Martina Savova, a researcher from the Plant Cell Biotechnology department of CPSBB, was awarded from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) with the prestigious “Ivan E. Geshov” award for young scientist in the field of biomedicine and quality of life. Martina has demonstrated an innovative approach in her PhD thesis work to study molecular mechanisms of obesity in cellular (human adipocytes) and organism (C. elegans) models.
CPSBB and the Agricultural University signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, 18 May 2022
Оn 18 May 2022 – the International fascination of plants day – the Rector of the Agricultural university in Plovdiv, Prof. Dr. Hristina Yancheva, and the Director of the center of plant Systems biology and biotechnology (CPSBB), Prof. Dr. Tsanko Gechev, signed a memorandum of cooperation for joint research and educational activities.
ISF World Seed Congress, 16-18 May 2022
The CPSBB, represented by its marketing expert Mr. Petar KAZAKOV, participated in the ISF World Seed Congress, organized by the International Seed Federation (ISF) in Barcelona, Spain, from 16 to 18 May 2022. The International Seed Federation (ISF) is the largest organization that unites biotechnology, vegetable breeding, and seed-producing companies all over the world. It is widely regarded as the voice of the global seed industry.
Teachers from Spain visited the CPSBB as part of the Erasmus + Youth Exchange Programm, 11, 18 and 25 May 2022
The visit was hosted by Dr. Nikola Staykov who demonstrated the equipment and some of the ongoing research projects of the CPSBB. The guests visited the laboratories and plant growth chambers of the CPSBB and discussed opportunities for the exchange of students from Spain who could potentially upgrade their knowledge in the fields of plant biology and biotechnology at the research campus of the CPSBB.
RESIST courses: Project writing and management and plant stress physiology (CPSBB), 19-21 April 2022
The course introduced the EU research landscape and focused on the basic principles of project writing and management. Attendees learned about the research funding in Bulgaria, Germany, The Netherlands, UK, and other EU countries. They were presented with various funding opportunities for PhD and postdoctoral researchers, as well as for group leaders (individual short-term and long-term projects, large collaborative projects). The lecturers of the course delivered presentations about project design and conceptualization, project writing, and project management. The course was suitable for MSc and PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, senior scientists, and group leaders.
Plant stress physiology Project writing and management
The Indian ambassador to Bulgaria Visited the CPSBB, 05 April 2022
The Ambassador of India to Bulgaria, his Excellency Mr. Sanjay Rana, visited CPSBB on April 5, 2022, at the invitation of the researcher from CPSBB – Dr. Amol Nankar.
Director of CPSBB Prof. Dr. Tsanko Gechev, Prof. Dr. Milen Georgiev, Head of Plant Cell Biotechnology department (CPSBB), Assoc. Prof. Dimitrina Kostova, Head of Vegetable Breeding Department (CPSBB), Prof. Dr. Daniela Ganeva, Director of Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute (MVCRI) hosted the meeting.
The “Green Initiative” of CPSBB was held for the second consecutive year, 01 April 2022
The second edition of the campaign “Green Initiative” of CPSBB was held in Trakia district of Plovdiv on April 1, 2022. The main goal of the campaign is to improve the area around the newly built campus of CPSBB and improve living conditions of residents in the neighborhood. Scientists from CPSBB and experts from Trakia Municipality took part in the campaign. They planted Paulownia tomentosa trees near the new building of CPSBB. It is called the “Tree of the future” because of its extremely fast growth and huge potential for CO2 binding. With its huge leaves it quickly and effectively purifies the air. It is honey-bearing – it blooms with large and beautiful inflorescences. The building of the research campus of CPSBB will soon be completed and will host top-notch science in the field of plant systems biology and biotechnology.
Researcher from CPSBB recieved award from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 14 March 2022
Kristiana Amirova received the annual award of the Foundation “Acad. Prof. Dr. Stephan Angeloff” (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) for young microbiologists. Kristiana Amirova is a researcher at the Department of Plant Cell Biotechnology at CPSBB, headed by Prof. Dr. Milen Georgiev. Her work is related to the research for treating degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis. In her research, Amirova studies the Orpheus flower from the group of the resurrection plants. Kristiana was awarded as a member of the research team who has authored the scientific article “Biotechnologically-Produced Myconoside and Calceolarioside E Induce Nrf2 Expression in Neutrophils”, published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
CPSBB was presented at the biggest fair for agricultue in Bulgaria – AGRA, 6-9 March 2022
The biggest agricultural fair in Bulgaria – AGRA 2022- was held in Plovdiv on 6-9 March, 2022. CPSBB, together with its partner MVCRI “Maritsa”, were presented with a mutual stand in palace 7 of Plovdiv International Fair where attendees could learn more about the partnership between the two research institutes for the creation of new vegetable varieties and core collections. Dr. Aakansha Kanojia, a postdoctoral researcher in Molecular Stress Physiology at CPSBB, and Dr. Sujeeth Neerakkal, Chief Plant Molecular Biologist at BioAtlantis, presented the unique seaweed extract biostimulant – SuperFifty Prime. SuperFifty Prime is highly efficient in mitigating abiotic stresses in plants. This product improves plant growth and enhances fruit set percentage various crops. The unique priming technology is developed in a partnership between CPSBB and the Irish company BioAtlantis Ltd.
The first online training under the project “Science and Journalism: Together against infodemic” was held, 23-24 February 2022
On 23-24 February, 2022, the first online training under the project “Science and Journalism: Together against Infodemic” was held. The main purpose of the event was to put into practice the training module so that the last could be adapted and improved by the feedback from the participants. 36 journalists and academic representatives participated and evaluated the work of the trainers.
CPSBB was presented in the Bulgarian Science Magazine, 09 December 2021
The December ’21 issue of the Bulgarian Science magazine presents some of the postdoctoral researchers and laboratory managers of CPSBB’s team – Dr. Gerganaza Zahmanova (Technology Transfer Department), Dr. Liliya Vasileva and Martina Savova (Plant Cell Biology Department), Dr. Ramadoss Dhanushkodi (Molecular Stress Physiology Department), and Dr. Rafe Lyall (Bioinformatics and Mathematical Modelling Department) as all these experts play a significant role for the realization of the PlantaSYST project and the establishment of the CPSBB.
CPSBB is part of a new fact-checking project that helps journalists and scientists, 15 November 2021
Increasing trust in the media and in science by creating better and more in-depth content is the main goal of the project “Science and Journalism: Together Against Infodemic”, which started in October. The organizations that will work together on it are the Association of European Journalists-Bulgaria (AEJ-Bulgaria), Norsensus Mediaforum, Thracian University, Center for Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB), Association for Career Development and Training (ACRO).
CPSBB is part of the COST Action CA20121 Bench to bedside transition for pharmacological regulation of NRF2 in noncommunicable diseases
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, respiratory or immune diseases, account for 77% of all deaths in the EU and remain the most prevalent and without effective therapy. Networking among multidisciplinary teams that face disease from a perspective of causative pathomechanisms rather than clinical symptoms is the most appropriate approach to overcome this problem.
CPSBB, as a part of the K-TRIO 5 project, participates in the European Researchers’ Night, 24 September 2021
For the third consecutive year, CPSBB is part of the consortium that implements the European Researchers’ Night (ERN) in Plovdiv via the K-TRIO 5 project. Coordinating institution is Sofia University. Partners are Association forum science, Trakia University, University of Ruse, University of Burgas, Institute of mathematics and informatics at the Bulgarian academy of science, Club young scientist, Regional history museum Sofia, and other associated partners.
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CPSBB’s researchers participated in the Faces of Operational Programme Science and Education for Smart Growth photo exhibition, 14-28 September 2021
Executive Agency “Operational programme science and education for smart growth” together with Sofia Municipality has organized a photo exhibition “The faces of the Operational Program Science and education for smart growth”. The exposition is located in the garden of the National Palace of Culture. It aims to present the people involved in projects funded by the programme – researchers, teachers, mentors, mediators, students and pupils.
CPSBB organized open field days together with Opora Zaden and KBC agro, 22-23 July 2021
The Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) cooperated with Opora Zaden, Bulgaria and KBC Agro Bulgaria in organizing Open Field Days. Opora Zaden’s experimental fields near Plovdiv hosted the event, which was visited by industry representatives, the science community, students and farmers. The event was dedicated to varietal characteristics, growing technology, integrated plant protection methods and fertilization schemes of the local vegetable varieties.
ISF World Seed Congress, 5-7 July 2021
The annual ISF World Seed Congress 2021 was held online, from 5th to 7th of July 2021. The Congress typically attracts approximately 1500 Delegates from all over the globe; Delegates who are the principals, architects and decision makers of the world seed industry’s leading organizations.
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Seminar on European Union’s guidelines for talents in science was held at CPSBB, 30 June 2021
CPSBB members participated in a seminar dedicated to scientific career development, EU science policy, recruitment and management of talents in science. The event emphasized the promotion of Europe as a top scientific hub. It allowed the participants to get familiar with the EU’s latest scientific trends, policies, strategies and main challenges. The keynote speaker, Associate Professor Elisaveta Gurova, delivered a detailed presentation on European policy for researchers and the procedure for implementing the Strategy for Human Resources in Science (HRS4R).
International Conference on Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology, 14-17 June 2021
The International Conference on Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (ICPSBB 2021) was held in the Golden Sands Black Sea Resort, Hotel International, from 14th to 17th of June 2021. The conference was a major educational and dissemination event, which also served to link CPSBB with academic and industrial partners. The organizers of ICPSBB 2021 were the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) and the Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute (MVCRI). The Chair of the Organizing Committee was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tsanko Gechev.
Students from Plovdiv University visited CPSBB, 02 June 2021
On June 2, 2021, more than a hundred and twenty undergraduates from the Faculty of Biology from the Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski” visited the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) under a Memorandum of understanding between the Center and the Plovdiv University. As a Center of Excellence, CPSBB emphasizes on promoting science among young people and strives to educate the next generation of researchers.
Update on the construction of CPSBB’s research complex, 28 May 2021
The construction of CPSBB’s new research campus continues at a high pace. The main building and the adjacent high-tech greenhouses are near their final form, hinting at the enormous potential to be revealed when the campus is completed. In keeping with the age of innovation, the greenhouses will have a cutting-edge digital control system, enabling scientists to adjust various environmental parameters and stay updated on the plants’ development.
Cluster meeting “Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources”, 20 May 2021
Assoc. Prof. Tsanko Gechev, the PlantaSYST Coordinator and CPSBB Director, participated in the Cluster meeting “Sustainable Agriculture and natural resources”. The meeting was organized by Research Executive Agency (REA) and attended by representatives of REA, the European Commission, and many EU projects focused on agriculture and related fields.
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Workshop: Bioinformatics and Computational Modeling – RESIST project, 19 May 2021
CPSBB, together with the University of Potsdam, has organized a Workshop in Bioinformatics and Computational Modeling within the RESIST project. The event was dedicated to supervised machine learning approaches for gene regulatory network reconstruction.
CPSBB and Trakia Municipality started the Green Initiative, 05 March 2021
On March 05, 2021, scientists from CPSBB and representatives from Trakia Municipality launched a joint tree-planting campaign under the motto “Green Initiative”. The campaign’s goal is to plant trees and thus provide a better quality environment for the residents in the vicinity of the new scientific campus of CPSBB in the Trakia district.
Green Initiative between CPSBB and Trakia Municipality, 23 February 2021
CPSBB representatives met with the local authorities of the Trakia Municipality to discuss potential partnerships and good practices and marked the start of a joint Green Initiative.
CPSBB’s researchers welcomed the students for an online visit, 21 January 2021
Dr. Nikola Staykov (CPSBB) hosted the online video visit and introduced the students to some general facts about CPSBB its activities and scientific research projects. The visitors were virtually guided around the Center’s laboratories and got acqainted with the scientific equipment and plant growing facilities during a dedicated presentation and tour.
Horizon Europe Seminar, 04 December 2020
CPSBB, represented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vessela Kazashka, Head of Administration, participated in an online seminar dedicated to the Horizon Europe Framework Programme on 4th of December 2020. The event was organized by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Prof. Asen Zlatarov University, and Burgas Free University.
The Researchers’ Night 2020 in Bulgaria, 27 November 2020
Under the motto „Science transforms lives”, in the Researchers’ Night 2020 in Bulgaria we are focusing on the European dimension. Researchers from Academia and Industry come together to raise awareness and discover new perspectives of art, science and society. The Center of plant system biology and biotechnology (CPSBB) presents one of its researchers, who talks about the unifying role of art and science in her life.
Organic Innovation Days 2020, November 2020
Petar Kazakov (CPSBB) participated in the online Organic Innovation Days 2020 on 24-25 November 25 2020.
The Organic Innovation Days provide a unique opportunity to meet members of the European Technology Planform TP Organics, as well as to network with EU stakeholders and decision-makers.
Workshop: NGS – Methods and Genomes Annotation
Workshop: NGS – Methods and Genomes Annotation(online), Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 23-25 November 2020
CPSBB featured on Bulgaria on Air, 13 November 2020
Bulgaria on Air, one of the most reputed Bulgarian national TV, broadcasted an extensive reportage about CPSBB followed by live interview with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tsanko Gechev, the CPSBB Director and PlantaSYST Coordinator. The video presented the Center of Plant Systems Biology, the construction of the new CPSBB campus, as well as the work conducted by some of the CPSBB employees.
Conference Plant Biotechnology: Beyond, 25 September 2020
CPSBB, together with BioTech Atelier and Sofia Tech Park, is organizing the online conference Plant Biotechnology: Beyond. The rapidly evolving Plant Biotechnology is embracing the new developments in plant genome analysis, high throughput technologies, and computational studies in order to provide solutions to agriculture, food and health. Biotechnology approaches nowadays are used to enhance crop production and to make plants more resilient to unfavorable environmental conditions.
Dr. Aakansha Kanojia from CPSBB held her first art exhibition, 1 September 2020
On 1st of September 2020 in Art Class Center, Plovdiv was held the first art exhibition of Dr. Aakansha Kanojia. The event was part of European Researcher’s Night 2020 and was organized by the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) in cooperation with Art Class Center.
CPSBB participated in the workshop organized by the National Rural Network, 1 September 2020
The marketing expert of CPSBB, Mr. Petar Kazakov, participated in the WORKSHOP on topic:”Addressing the experience in implementing measures to support organic farming with the new ambitious goals of the CAP 2021-2027″ on September 1 2020, in hotel Izvor, Stara Zagora mineral baths.
Biodiversity in tomato and pepper: joint initiative of MVCRI and CPSBB, 07 August 2020
Scientists, breeders, seed producers, and farmers met in MVCRI Plovdiv on 7 August 2020 to present the PlantaSYST tomato and pepper core-collections to different stakeholders, in order to make them familiar with the existing biodiversity and to exchange information and discuss current issues and new perspectives in plant breeding.
Tsanko Gechev participates in а workshop dedicated to Horizon Europe with representatives of the Bulgarian Government, EU Commission, and all universities in Plovdiv, 30 July 2020
The CPSBB Director Dr. Tsanko Gechev, together with Mrs. Marina Mircheva (CPSBB),participated in а seminar dedicated to Horizon Europe. The workshop was organized by the Medical University of Plovdiv, with the support of the Bulgarian Government and the European Commission, and was attended by Rectors and other high-ranked officials of all universities in Plovdiv.
Groundbreaking ceremony for the new research complex of CPSBB, Plovdiv, 16 July 2020
The launch the new CPSBB research complex, funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program, “Science and Education for Smart Growth” – BG05M2OP001-1.003-0001-C01 project, will begin with a press conference on July 16, 2020, 09:00, at the House of Culture “Boris Hristov”, Plovdiv, 15 Gladstone Street.
CPSBB is part of the COST Action CA19116 PLANTMETALS: Trace metal metabolism in plants
On 03 July 2020, CPSBB became part of the COST Action PLANTMETALS: Trace metal metabolism in plants.
European Organic Congress 2020
Mr. Petar Kazakov, the marketing expert of CPSBB, participated in the European Organic Congress, held online on 1-3 July 2020.
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CPSBB participated in open demonstration field days orgnized by Enza Zaden/Opora Zaden Bulgaria and KVS Agro Bulgaria
Mr. Petar Kazakov, the marketing expert of CPSBB, participated in the open demonstration field days organized by Enza Zaden/Opora Zaden Bulgaria and YARA/KVS Agro Bulgaria from 10 to 12 June 2020.
ISF World Seed Congress 2020
The World Seed Congress is the main event of the International Seed Federation (ISF), which promotes the ISF vision and mission to support sustainable agriculture and food security, as well as to promote plant breeding and innovation in seeds.
Vasil Kolev and Veselin Petrov presented the research of CPSBB at the KETBIO webinar
Resurrection plants and regeneration of bones: Eastern European biotechnology in the spotlight.
Milen Georgiev wins the 2020 Pythagoras prize
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milen Georgiev, PI of IMicB and head of the CPSBB’s Dept. Plant Cell Biotechnology, has won the most prestigious Bulgarian scientific award “Pythagoras” in the category “Life and technical sciences”.
Workshop: Analysing and Visualizing Data with R and Galaxy
Workshop: Analysing and Visualizing Data with R and Galaxy (online), Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 18-20 May 2020
CPSBB teams up with Bioatlantis Ltd. and Amititsa Ltd. to promote the molecular priming technology
Assist. Prof. Dr. Vesselin Petrov and Mr. Peter Kazakov (CPSBB) presented the molecular priming technology and SuperFifty®, an innovative natural plant-protection product developed by the Irish company BioAtlantis Ltd., in a seminar for plant growers of lavender and roses in Karlovo, Bulgaria, on 02 March 2020.
The AGRA 2020 International Agricultural Exhibition
The AGRA 2020 International Agricultural Exhibition was held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, from 19 to 23 February 2020. AGRA 2020 has established itself as the largest economic event for agribusiness in SouthEastern Europe and is organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Scientists from CPSBB and BioAtlantis Ltd. develop molecular priming technology to protect vegetable crops from abiotic and oxidative abiotic stresses
Scientists from CPSBB (Dr. Tsanko Gechev), in cooperation with partners from Mendel University in Brno, the Czech Republic (Dr. Pavel Kerchev), Flanders University of Biotechnology and University of Gent, Belgium (Prof. Dr. Frank Van Breusegem) and BioAtlantis Ltd., Ireland (Dr. Sujeeth Neerakkal) have reviewed the opportunities to develop molecular priming technologies that can protect plants from severe abiotic and oxidative stresses.
Workshop on Horizon Europe (2021-2027) Implementation
The Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, the Romanian Ministry for Education and Research, and the European Commission invited CPSBB and other important organizations in the region to the Bulgarian and Romanian Regional Stakeholder Workshop on Horizon Europe implementation.
CPSBB is the second largest Horizon 2020 beneficiary in Bulgaria
Horizon 2020 is the largest EU Framework program for research and innovation up to date. With a budget of nearly 80 billion EUR for seven years period, the framework set high standards in the field of science and innovations. There are more than 200 Horizon 2020 beneficiaries (universities, research institutes, and companies) in Bulgaria, which have one or more EU projects from the framework program.
Metabolite Profiling Workshop
Metabolite Profiling Workshop, Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam-Golm, Germany, 13-17 January 2020
CPSBB and MVCRI utilized high-throughput Tomato Analyzer to speed up fruit phenotyping of Balkan pepper and tomato
Fruit phenotyping is critical step in breeding fruits with desirable fruit size, shape and color for targeted local niche market. Conventionally, fruits morphology has been phenotyped manually and evidently it limits the breeder’s ability to speed up the breeding process and hinders the genetic gain.
Funding for the new CPSBB campus and equipment
On 20th December 2019 the Executive Agency “Operational Program Science and Education for Smart Growth” (OP “SESG”) and the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) signed the contract for research infrastructure and equipment for the PlantaSYST Project. The overall objective of the procedure BG05M2OP001-1.003-0001-C01 “Complementary support for Bulgarian scientific organizations implementing projects under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, WIDESPREAD-Teaming Phase 2” is to finance the costs ineligible under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme – investment aid for research infrastructure and equipment.
Futuris 2019
Research Infrastructures of the Future – synergies, sustainability, smart specialization and social impact
National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria, 10 – 11 December 2019
CPSBB partners with Verisem /SUBA Seeds Company
CPSBB received an invitation to further discuss the collaboration between the CSPBB and Verisem/SUBA Seeds and prepare a framework partnership agreement.
Students from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Greece, and Turkey visit CPSBB
40 young people aged 11-18 from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Greece, and Turkey visited the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology on 07.11.2019, under the Science Camp initiative. Science Camp‘s main objective is to encourage and develop an interest in science among young people. As a Center of Excellence in research, it is of importance for CPSBB to promote science especially among youths.
CPSBB is a member of EURAXESS
The Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) became a member of EURAXESS on 12.07.2019. EURAXESS in Bulgaria provides information and assistance to mobile researchers and highly qualified specialists by means of the EURAXESS portal and with the support of national EURAXESS Local Contact Points (LoCPs).
ISF World Seed Congress, June 2019, France.
CPSBB, represented by Mr. Petar KAZAKOV, participated in the ISF World Seed Congress, organcized by the International Seed Federation (ISF) in Nice, France, from 3 to 5 June 2019.
The International Seed Federation (ISF) is the largest organization that unites biotechnology, vegetable breeding, and seed producing companies all over the world. It is widely regarded as the voice of the global seed industry.During the meeting of the ISF Board of Directors, CPSBB was accepted as member of the ISF.
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4th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization 29 May – 01 June 2019, Albena Black Sea Resort, Bulgaria.
The 4th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from Plants to Pharmacy Shelf (ICNPU-2019, http://www.icnpu.com/2019/) was organized by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milen I. Georgiev in Hotel Maritim Paradise Blue*****, Albena Black Sea Resort, from 29 May to 1 June 2019.
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Workshop Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer, Plovdiv, 20 May 2019
The event is jointly organized by CPSBB and IMBB.
The Head of Administration and the Scientific Coordinator of MPG visited CPSBB
Dr. Rainer Hoefgen, Research Coordinator of MPG, and Ms. Claudia Tagge, Head of the Administration of MPG, visited the CPSBB on April 16th 2019.
RESIST Kick-off meeting, Plovdiv, 12 April 2019
RESIST Kick-off meeting, 12 April 2019 at Hotel Ramada, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Visit of French MSc students to CPSBB
On March 8, 2019, twenty-seven Master degree students in European studies from the Cergy Pontoise University, France, visited the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) Plovdiv. The main objective of the visit was to learn more about the implementation of European policies in the field of research and innovation.
The Plovdiv City Council voted to grant land and the right for construction on it to CPSBB
With complete unanimity, the Plovdiv City Council voted to grant land and the right for construction to CPSBB. Deputy Mayor Dimitar Katsarsky was the submitter of the proposal. Before the vote, Mayor Ivan Totev spoke out in support of the project.
European Researchers’ Night 2018, CPSBB and MVCRI, Plovdiv, 28 September 2018
The event was organized by CPSBB (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vesela Kazashka) and MVCRI (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitrina Kostova) on September 28, 2018, in the premises of the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) and the “Maritza” Vegetable Crops Research Institute (MVCRI). All the events on this day were supported by the European Commission as a part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, funded under the Horizon 2020 programme (projects K-Trio3 and REFRESH), to boost the careers of researchers. CPSBB employees participated in the preparation, organization and realization of the event.The main purpose of the event was to popularize the science conducted at MVRCI and CPSBB among children, students, and young researchers.
FEBS Advanced Course – Resurrection plants: Hope for crop drought tolerance (ReHOPE), Grand Hotel Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 20-22 September 2018
The course was organized by the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies (IMBB), and co-organised by the University of Plovdiv and CPSBB. ReHOPE is devoted to the small but diverse unique group of resurrection plants that can survive extreme water shortages in air-dried state for years.
Workshop on Plant Systems Biology, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 20.04.2018
Workshop on Plant Systems Biology was held on 20.04.2018 in Grand Hotel Plovdiv, Bulgaria
5th International Conference on Advanced Pharmaceutical Research “Pharmaceutical Research for Quality of Life”, Rangsit University, Thailand, 20.02.2018 – 21.02.2018
The 5th International Conference on Advanced Pharmaceutical Research (ICAPR) “Pharmaceutical Research for Quality of Life” was organized by Rangsit University with co-organizers the Blackmores Institute, Australia, and CPSBB. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milen Georgiev delivered an invited lecture “From plants to pharmacy shelf: can we accelerate this long journey?”.Read More
Bioinformatics SynBio Workshop, Potsdam, Germany, 20.10.2017
The workshop’s focus was towards PhD students and postdoctoral researchers interested in the interface between synthetic biology, bioinformatics, and biotechnology. Prof. Dr. Zoran Nikoloski had a presentation about metabolic engineering strategies in plants and other eukaryotes.
3rd International Conference on Natural Products Utilization (ICNPU- 2017) From Plants to Pharmacy Shelf, Bansko, Bulgaria, 17.10.2017 – 21.10.2017
The conference was organized by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Milen Georgiev (Institute of Microbiology, Laboratory of Metabolomics – IMicB). The CPSBB was a supporting organization of the event. The conference was attended by more than 350 experts from 60 countries. Several colleagues from IMicB and CPSBB took part in the event. Kristiana Amirova represented a poster on the “Effect of Clinopodium vulgare extract on the production of Nitric Oxide, Reactive Oxygen Species and COX2 by Neutrophils”. Prof. Dr. Robert Verpoorte, member of the PlantaSYST International Scientific Advisory Board and Prof. Dr. Alisdair Fernie, leader of the Plant Metabolomics Department at CPSBB were among the keynote speakers of the ICNPU conference. A meeting of the present members of the PlantaSYST consortium was held during the conference to discuss and asses CPSBB research activities and review project proposals on behalf of the Center.
European Researchers’ Night 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria 29.09.2017
The event was organized by the PlantaSYST partners MVCRI (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitrina Kostova) and CPSBB on September 29, 2017, the campus of the “Maritza” Vegetable Crops Research Institute (MVCRI). MVCRI participated for the second consecutive year in the “European Night of Scientists 2017” and funded by the project “FRESH – Find Researchers Everywhere and Share” № 722790, Call: H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2016.
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Plant Innovation Workshop in Plovdiv 28 – 30.09.2017
The Plant Innovation Workshop is organized by the Center of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (CPSBB) Plovdiv, the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB) Plovdiv, the University of Potsdam (UP), and the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology (MPG) Potsdam-Golm, within the frame of the project Plant-INNO (“Strengthening the research and innovative capacity of Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology in Plovdiv, Bulgaria”), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Kick-off meeting of the PlantaSYST H2020 Teaming Phase 2 Project, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 25.04.2017 – 26.04.2017
Kick-off meeting of the PlantaSYST H2020 Teaming Phase 2 Project was held in Plovdiv on the 25th and 26th of April 2017 in Ramada Trimontium Plovdiv Hotel.
Meeting in Brussels on 23th of November 2016
Meeting of the CPSBB Director Dr. Tsanko Gechev with the EU Commissioner for Research and Innovation Carlos Moedas, the Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic Peter Plavčan, the Director-General of DG Research and Innovation Robert-Jan Smits, and the other Teaming Coordinators at the conference “Spreading Excellence and Crossing the Innovation Divide Conference” in Brussels on 23th of November 2016.
Signature of the PlantaSYST Grant Agreement
The PlantaSYST Grant Agreement No 739582 was signed by the Project Coordinator Dr. Tsanko Gechev and the Director General of DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission Robert-Jan Smits at a special Teaming Award Ceremony in Brussels on 16.2.2017. The signature was part of a meeting between the EU Commission, representatives of all successful Teaming Phase 2 applicants, and representatives from the national authorities providing co-funding.