- Written by Ivan Dulgerov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitrina Kostova
Head of Department Vegetable Breeding, CPSBB
Person-in-Charge of Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute (MVCRI) for the PlantaSYST project
Employment History
- 2001-2018 – Associate Professor, Breeding Department, Head of Virus Immunity Laboratory at MVCRI;
- 1984-2001 – Assistant Professor, Breeding Department, Head of Virus Immunity Laboratory, MVCRI;
Post-doc trainings:
- 1988 Plant virology, International Center for Tropical Agriculture(CIAT), Cali, Columbia;
- 1990 Genetics of virus resistance in vegetables, Breeding Department in Horticulture Research International (HRI), Wellesbourne, U.K.;
- 1992 Plant virus diagnostics using indicator, serological and molecular methods, Virus Laboratory at Plant Protection Department in Horticulture Research International (HRI), Wellesbourne, U.K.;
- 1999, 2000 Plant virus diagnostics using indicator, serological and molecular methods, Institute for Plant Virology, CNR, Torino, Italy;
Awards & Honors: 2009 – Pitagor, award for scientific achievements in Bulgaria
- Nankar A.N., Tringovska I., Grozeva S., Ganeva D., Kostova D. (2020) Tomato phenotypic diversity determined by combined approaches of conventional and high-throughput Tomato Analyzer phenotyping. Plants. 9: 197. (IF: 2.762)
- Kostova D., V. Lisa, R.G. Milne, A. Vaira, G. Dellavalle, S. Tsorlianis, (2003) Virus diseases of vegetable crops in southern Bulgaria.
Phytopathologia Mediterranea. 42: 3-8. - Kostova D., Lisa V., Rubino L., Marzachi, C., Roggero, P., Russo, M. (2003). Properties of Cucumber Bulgarian latent virus, a new species in the genus Tombusvirus. Journal of Plant Pathology 85 (1):27-33.
- Pasev, G., Kostova, D. and Sofkova, S. (2014) Identification of Genes for Resistance to Bean Common Mosaic Virus and Bean Common Mosaic Necrosis Virus in Snap Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) breeding lines using conventional and molecular methods. Journal of Phytopathology 162:19-25.
- Pasev, G., Kostova, D. and Turina, M. (2014) A new virulent isolate of Clover Yellow Vein Virus on Phaseolus vulgaris in Bulgaria. Journal of Phytopathology. 162(11-12): 703-711.
- Pasev G, Radeva-Ivanova V, Manoussopoulos Y, Turina M, Kostova D. (2018) First report of Peanut stunt virus on beans in Bulgaria. New Disease Reports. 38: 9.